Sole Trader definition
Examples of Sole Trader in a sentence
For the purposes of this VET Funding Contract, the Training Provider will be considered to have subcontracted any part of the Training Services where any individual who carries out those Training Services is an individual other than: an employee or officer of the Training Provider, acting in their capacity as such an employee or officer; or a Sole Trader engaged directly by the Training Provider (and to avoid doubt, not through an intermediary) in their capacity as a Sole Trader.
Definition of subcontracting The Training Provider will be considered to have subcontracted any part of the Training Services if they are carried out by an individual other than: an employee or officer of the Training Provider, acting in their capacity as such an employee or officer; or a Sole Trader engaged directly by the Training Provider (and to avoid doubt, not through an intermediary) in their capacity as a Sole Trader.
If you are a Sole Trader: • In the event of your death, your Account will be operated on the instructions of your personal representative(s).
Account number Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY) (if applicable) Account nameContact telephone (business hours) Email For Sole TradersIf you’re a Sole Trader, please provide the information below.
Please tick the appropriate box) Public Company Private Company Private Business Corporation Partnership Other Form of Association(Please Specify) Sole Trader 2A.