Special Number definition
Examples of Special Number in a sentence
Please refer to the Special Number Contract for specific details and pricing.
The VAC platform will not record a call to number listed as a Legal number in the Special Number Table. Manual checks that are run by VAC site technicians every day to ensure the success of daily updates directed by MCSO and consistency of the Special Number Table across all systems in the MCSO system. An automated process associated with the updates that ensures that the number of entries in the Special Number Table does not decrease after an update.
To Baehr in our minds: essays in human rights from the heart of the Netherlands (SIM Special Number 21).
VAC has implemented platform customization that combined with unique procedures designed in coordination with MCSO provides upmost security to ensure the confidentiality of Legal calls. The Special Number Table allows for importation of Legal number directories (e.g. Arizona bar association, Yellow Pages, Yellow Book) as well as manual updates.
Releasing most of the Special Number Blockss1 for normal allocation, which will be able to release a maximum of3.52 million numbers to meet the demand for mobile numbers for26 months.
Research papers Faculty of Materials Science and Technology Slovak University of Technology in Trnava, 20 (Special Number), pp.
Describe how the system ensures that a call to a legal number in the Special Number table is not recorded.
Special Number of “The Studio,” 1901.) 32pp., 212 plates (partly tipped-in color).
These works showed how to construct large primes p for which the Special Number Field Sieve makes solving the DLP possible if one is in possession of trapdoor information about how p was generated.
Releasing most of the Special Number Blocks3 for normal allocation.