Specified Capital Works definition
Examples of Specified Capital Works in a sentence
The cost of Specified Capital Works will be to the Utility's Account, unless otherwise specified in Schedule F.
In discharging its responsibilities to procure, or manage the procurement of anything required for Utility Capital Works and Specified Capital Works, the Contractor will follow good commercial practice designed to ensure fairness, transparency and value for money, including any specific procurement rules set out in Schedule H.
Funding is provided to implement Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 2337 (Open K-12 Ed Resources).
In assuming its responsibilities to procure, or manage the procurement of, anything required for Specified Capital Works, the Contractor will follow good commercial practice designed to ensure fairness, transparency and value for money.
In discharging its responsibilities to procure, or manage the procurement of anything required for Utility Capital Works and Specified Capital Works, the Contractor will follow good commercial practice designed to ensure fairness, transparencyand value for money, including any specific procurement rules set out in Schedule H.
The cost of Specified Capital Works will be to the Utility's Account, unless otherwise specified in ScheduleF.
In discharging its responsibilities to procure, or manage the procurement of anything requiredfor Utility Capital Works and Specified Capital Works, the Contractor will follow good commercial practice designed to ensure fairness, transparency and value for money, including any specific procurement rules set out in Schedule H.