Fixed capital cost definition
Fixed capital cost means the capital needed to provide all the depreciable components.
Fixed capital cost means the cap- ital needed to provide all the depre- ciable components. ‘‘Depreciable com- ponents’’ refers to all components of fixed capital cost and is calculated by subtracting land and working capital from the total capital investment, as defined in paragraph (b)(58) of this sec- tion.NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(57): By a courtorder on December 24, 2003, this paragraph (b)(57) is stayed indefinitely. The stayed pro- visions will become effective immediately if the court terminates the stay. At that time, EPA will publish a document in the FEDERAL REGISTER advising the public of the termi- nation of the stay.
Fixed capital cost means the capital needed to provide all the depreciable components of an existing source.
Examples of Fixed capital cost in a sentence
Fixed capital cost means that capital needed to provide and install all the depreciable components: this includes the cost of parts and labor.
Fixed capital cost means that capital needed to provide all the depreciable components.
Fixed capital cost" means the capital needed to provide all the depreciable components of a source.
There are ten teachers (A2, A8, A9, B2, B4, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10) who do not currently use corporal punishment to discipline students.
Fixed capital cost is the sum of total direct and indirect costs.
More Definitions of Fixed capital cost
Fixed capital cost means the capital needed to purchase and construct all the depreciable components of a source.
Fixed capital cost means the capital needed to provide all the depreciable components of a facility, item of equipment or source operation.
Fixed capital cost means the capital needed to provide all of the depreciable components of a stationary source.
Fixed capital cost means the capital needed to provide all the depreciable compo- nents.
Fixed capital cost means the capital needed to provide all the depreciable components. "Fugitive emissions" means those emissions which could not reasonably pass through a
Fixed capital cost as used in this subdivision, means the capital needed to provide all of the depreciable components.
Fixed capital cost means the capital needed to provide all the depreciable components. “Greenhouse Gases (GHG)” means an air pollutant composed of an aggregate group of six greenhouse gases; carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), hydrofluorocarbons (HFC),perfluorocarbons (PFC), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). For the purposes of this regulation, the termCO2equivalent emissions (CO2e) shall represent an amount of GHG emitted, and shall be computed as follows;• Multiply the mass amount of emissions (tpy), for each of the six greenhouse gases in the pollutant GHG by the gases associated global warming potential as shown in Table 1-1 of this regulation. For the purposes of this computation, prior to July 21, 2014, the mass of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide shall not include carbon dioxide emissions resulting from the combustion or decomposition of non-fossilized and biodegradable organic material originating from plants, animals, or micro-organisms (including products, residues and waste from agriculture, forestry and related industries as well as the non-fossilized and biodegradable organic fractions of industrial and municipal wastes, including gases and liquids recovered from the decomposition of non- fossilized and biodegradable organic material).• Sum the resultant value for each gas to compute a tpy CO2e Table 1-1GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIALS NameCAS No.Chemical formulaSulfur hexafluoride2551–62–4SF623,900PFC–14 (Perfluoromethane)75–73–0CF46,500PFC–116 (Perfluoroethane)76–16–4C2F69,200PFC–218 (Perfluoropropane)76–19–7C3F87,000Perfluorocyclopropane931–91–9C3F617,340PFC–3–1–10 (Perfluorobutane)355–25–9C4F107,000Perfluorocyclobutane115–25–3C4F88,700PFC–4–1–12 (Perfluoropentane)678–26–2C5F127,500PFC–5–1–14(Perfluorohexane)355–42–0C6F147,400PFC–9–1–18306–94–5C10F187,500