Examples of Spent less in a sentence
Sometimes, Oregon residents are deemed nonresidents if they:• Maintained a permanent home outside Oregon the entire year; and• Didn’t keep a home in Oregon during any part of the year; and• Spent less than 31 days in Oregon during the year.
You believe not be Spent less than 90 days outside the UK in any 12 months.
Treated water will be used for greenbelt development for sugar and cogen plants.• A duly lined storage lagoon of 7 days capacity shall be provided Treatment of Effluent• Spent less from distillation column and process condensate will be recycled• Spent wash is sent for anaerobic treatment and thus production of useful biogas (used as fuel in boiler), which will be followed by concentration in multi stage multi effect evaporator• Wastewater will be treated in ETP.
MrsJBeviere● Spent less time in hospital● Experienced improved recovery times● Had higher quality health outcomesThe effect of these ongoing improvements in patient care can be seen in our mortality rates.The latest information from Dr Foster shows theTrust has had consistently low mortality between 2003 and 2006 – providing patients with the best outcomes in Kent.
Spent less than 2 hours mappingit in GIS.Solitude +Non- recreational structures, installations, and developmentsAbandoned village remnantsInternal documentation/professional judgment1 Solitude +InholdingsInholdingsN/A1Practically no time at all.
Spent less will be recycled to process as well as to cooling tower to make up water.
Effects of Promotional Strategy on buyingDecisionSpent More 0% Impulse Buying 33% Spent less 67% Stick to my budget 0%Fig 4.1 The Fig 4.1 above reflect that 10 out of 15(67%) of the customers spent less on airtime and data cost, 5 out of 15 (33%) buy impulsively when the products are on promotion .However none stick to the budget or spent more as the promotions already motivate both new and old customers to enjoy more talk-time at a cheaper price which is a motivating factor.
The rationale for selecting participants who Spent more than a year in prison is, prisoners who Spent less than a year have a greater possibility of visitation and get attention from their relatives and spouses since they are new for the prison environment.
NOT picked up a prescription to help keep down costs Spent less time on hobbies than you would like to help keep down costs1 2 3 Gone without or cut back on trips to the shops or other local places to help 2 3 keep down costs 1 The following questions are about your material standard of living – the things that money can buy.
EWIC Service Performance Benchmarks and Delivery Spent less than 4 hours with EWICSpent 4-12 hours with EWICSpent more than 12 hours with EWICProportion of T22 subjects (%)Source: Beneficiary Tracking System data on T22 subjects.