Examples of SRS member in a sentence
Serbia’s Prime Minister, Mirko Marjanovic, on 15 August dubbed the SzP “a terrorist organisation.”29 He urged all citizens “who do not share the Alliance point of view” to take “precautions for their safety.”30 Petar Jojic, the new federal justice minister and SRS member, wasted little time in threatening the SzP, vowing that “all available legal measures would be taken should even the slightest incident occur on 19 August."31Indeed, the regime’s attacks against the SzP have been two-pronged.
All cards that follow must be of that suit, unless a player is void, in which case he may slough.Follow A card played after the lead which is of the same suit as the lead card.
While you may make partial withdrawals in the form of investment for eligible withdrawals, an SRS operator would not be able to approve your application to withdraw, if the investment to be deducted cannot be separately valued or identified (e.g. where the SRS investment that the SRS member wishes to withdraw from his SRS account is an inseparable part of an insurance policy).
However, if the SRS member passes away, the SRS balances will form part of his estate and will be distributed according to his will or the law (if a will does not exist).
From YA 2016, up to $400,000 of an amount of a full withdrawal made by an SRS member on the grounds of terminal illness would be exempt from tax.
An SRS member may purchase a single premium endowment policy that matures when he/she reaches the age of 65.
An SRS member is not allowed to surrender the policy after the SRS account has been closed or deemed closed.
Additionally, the membership committee will serve as the advocate of the SRS membership and will solicit suggestions as well as actively work to provide value of being an SRS member.
Any SRS member, regardless whether he is a foreigner or not, may withdraw his SRS without penalties at the age of 62, if that is the statutory retirement age prevailing at the time of his first contribution.
However, at any point during this process, any voting SRS member may request instead that the amendment return for a full committee review once revisions are made.