Examples of Standard Gross Revenue in a sentence
The amount by which the Gross Revenue during the Indemnity Period shall in consequence of the damage fall short of the Standard Gross Revenue.
Standard Gross Revenue The Gross Revenue during the period in the 12 months immediately before the date of the Damage which corresponds with the Indemnity Period.
The amount by which the Gross Revenue during t he Indemnity Period shall in consequence of the damage fall short of the Standard Gross Revenue.
Standard Gross Revenue The Gross Revenue realised during the period between the date of the commencement of the Business and the date of an Event, appropriately adjusted where such period is less than the Indemnity Period.
Standard Gross Revenue The Gross Revenue during that period corresponding with the Indemnity Period in the 12 months immediately before the date of an Event, appropriately adjusted where the Indemnity Period exceeds 12 months.
NOTE: For the purpose of any claim arising from an Event occurring before the completion of the first year’s trading of the Business, the term Standard Gross Revenue shall be defined as follows and not as stated above.
In respect of Standard Gross Revenue, adjustments shall be made as may be necessary to provide for the trend of the Business and for variations in or other circumstances affecting the Business, either before or after the Damage, or which would have affected the Business had the Damage not occurred.
First Year of Trading For the purpose of any claim arising from Damage occurring before the completion of the first year’s trading of the Business, Standard Gross Revenue shall be defined as follows and not as stated above: Standard Gross Revenue – the proportional equivalent for the period equal to the Indemnity Period of Gross Revenue realised during the period between the date of commencement of the Business and the date of the Damage.
Standard Turnover or Standard Gross Revenue means the Turnover or Gross Revenue which would have been obtained during the Indemnity Period, if the Cyber Business Interruption Event had not occurred and allowing for trends of the Business or circumstances which would have affected the Business irrespective of the Cyber Business Interruption Event occurring.
When calculating Annual Gross Revenue and Standard Gross Revenue for the purposes of this Special condition 4.