State DNA index system definition

State DNA index system means a state searchable DNA database created and maintained by the department of public safety where DNA profiles are stored and searched at the state level.2005 Acts, ch 158, §1, 19; 2013 Acts, ch 107, §1, 5; 2019 Acts, ch 149, §1Referred to in §802.10
State DNA index system means a state searchable DNA
State DNA index system means a state searchable DNA database created and maintained by the department of public safety where DNA profiles are stored and searched at the state level.

More Definitions of State DNA index system

State DNA index system means a statewide, searchable DNA database created and maintained by the Department of State Police where DNA profiles are stored.

Related to State DNA index system

  • SIFMA Index means the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association Municipal Swap Index, produced by Municipal Market Data, or if such index is not published, then such other index selected by the Treasurer which reflects the yield of tax-exempt seven-day variable rate demand bonds.

  • Case-mix index means an arithmetical index measuring the relative average costliness of outpatient cases treated in a hospital, compared to the statewide average.

  • CPI Index means the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, U.S. City Average, “All Items” (1982-84 = 100), or any successor index thereof as such successor index may be appropriately adjusted to establish substantial equivalence with the Consumer Price Index; provided that if the Consumer Price Index ceases to be published and there is no successor thereto, such other index as the Company shall designate in writing to the Trustee shall be substituted for the Consumer Price Index.

  • LIBOR Market Index Rate means, for any day, the rate for one-month U.S. dollar deposits as reported on Telerate Page 3750 as of 11:00 a.m., London time, for such day, provided, if such day is not a LIBOR Business Day, the immediately preceding LIBOR Business Day (or if not so reported, then as determined by the Swingline Lender from another recognized source or interbank quotation).

  • Index Linked with respect to an amount at any time, means that the amount is adjusted as at each April 1st commencing April 1, 2015 by:

  • Index Provider means, in respect of a Sub-Fund, the person responsible for compiling the Index against which the relevant Sub-Fund benchmarks its investments and who holds the right to licence the use of such Index to the relevant Sub-Fund as set out in the relevant Appendix.

  • SOFR IndexStart means the SOFR Index value on the day which is two U.S. Government Securities Business Days preceding the first date of the relevant Interest Period (an "Index Determination Date"); and

  • Index Price on a given date means the weighted average (weighted in accordance with the factors listed above) of the closing prices of the companies comprising the Index Group.

  • SOFR Index means, with respect to any U.S. Government Securities Business Day:

  • Index Value means, in relation to any Reference Rate Business Day:

  • SOFR IndexEnd means the SOFR Index value on the date that is the number of U.S. Government Securities Business Days specified in the relevant Final Terms preceding the Interest Payment Date relating to such Interest Accrual Period (or in the final Interest Accrual Period, the Maturity Date).

  • Index Start Date means 19 January 2015.

  • Base Index Figure means (subject to Condition 4.3(i)) the base index figure as specified in the relevant Final Terms;

  • Index Component means those securities, assets or reference values of which the Index is comprised from time to time.

  • Reference Index means each of the indices comprising the Reference Portfolio.

  • SOFR Index Cessation Date means, in respect of a SOFR Index Cessation Event, the date on which the FRBNY (or any successor administrator of the SOFR), ceases to publish the SOFR, or the date as of which the SOFR may no longer be used.

  • Adjusted EURIBO Rate means, with respect to any EURIBOR Borrowing for any Interest Period, an interest rate per annum equal to the sum of (a) the EURIBO Rate for such Interest Period and (b) the Mandatory Costs Rate.