Examples of State Honorary Treasurer in a sentence
The State Honorary Treasurer shall submit to each State Executive meeting an interim report of income and expenditure of the Branch.
Discussion ensued on the financial statements and the State Honorary Treasurer was asked to advise the March State Executive meeting on the following items: • Benefits derived from the LSBA Hall of Fame Dinner (Brian Cairns to report to STEX)• LSBA accrued debts of $221,000 – to be examined in conjunction with the LSBA Executive It was moved that the Financial Statements as tabled be accepted.
The State Honorary Treasurer provided this, indicating that discussions were still ongoing with ANZ, but in the short term a specific trust fund will be established in the region of $1.8M, known as the West St Kilda Trust Fund, using the proceeds from the sale of this RSL Sub-Branch property to provide funds for the maintenance and repair/improvement of smaller traditional Sub- Branches.
The State Honorary Treasurer will move the following motion:That Grant Thornton be re-appointed as Auditor for the 2023 Financial Year.The State Honorary Treasurer will invite questions from the floor regarding the Appointment of the Auditor.
The Trustees of the RSL Welfare and Benevolent Institution are the RSL (NSW) State President Don Rowe OAM, the State Honorary Treasurer Rod White AM RFD and the State Secretary Chris Perrin.
The State Honorary Treasurer will give the Treasurer’s Report for 2022 with supporting remarks from the Chief Financial Officer and move the following motion:That the 2022 Financial Statements, as circulated, be received and adopted.The State Honorary Treasurer will invite questions from the floor regarding the Financial Statements.
Retired 17 November 2020.) Mr Cullen is the former State Honorary Treasurer of the RSL (Victorian Branch).