State Lands Commission definition
Examples of State Lands Commission in a sentence
Army Corps of Engineers, the State Lands Commission, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, and the city or county in which the work is to be performed, whenever any of these may be required.
This Annual Plan may be Modified or Supplemented after review by the State Lands Commission for consistency with the current Program Plan.
The Tomales Bay Mooring Program (MP) was developed as part of the Tomales Bay Vessel Management Plan by NOAA’s Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary (GFNMS) staff in partnership with California State Lands Commission (CSLC) staff.
All notices required to be given under this Lease shall be given in writing, sent by U.S. Mail with postage prepaid, to Lessor at the offices of the State Lands Commission and the Lessee at the address specified in this Lease.
Land use decisions in California are also be governed by state agencies such as the California Coastal Commission, California State Lands Commission, California Department of Parks and Recreation, and others, where the state has land ownership or permitting authority with respect to natural resources or other state interests.
The California State Lands Commission staff has reviewed such document.
Any such property interest would be administered by the State Lands Commission.
The County of Humboldt has a certified Local Coastal Program (LCP), but the site is within an area shown on State Lands Commission maps over which the State retains a public trust interest.
The department shall do all of the following: (a) Coordinate with the Department of Fish and Game, the board, the California regional water quality control boards, and the State Lands Commission efforts to cooperate with the United States Bureau of Reclamation to construct and implement the Two-Gates Fish Protection Demonstration Project by December 1, 2010.
All Modifications and Supplements to this plan will be presented by the Long Beach Gas and Oil Department, City of Long Beach, acting with the consent of OLBI, to the State Lands Commission in accordance with Article 2.06 of the Optimized Waterflood Program Agreement.