Examples of State member in a sentence
NOTE: The Reports of Condition and Income must be signed by an authorized officer and the Report of Condition must be attested to by not less than two directors (trustees) for State nonmember banks and three directors for State member and National Banks.
The expense of examination of affiliates of any State member bank may, in the discre- tion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, be assessed against such bank and, when so assessed, shall be paid by such bank.
In connection with examinations of State member banks, examiners selected or approved by the Board of Governors of the Federal Re- serve System shall make such examinations of the affairs of all affiliates of such banks as shall be necessary to disclose fully the relations be- tween such banks and their affiliates and the ef- fect of such relations upon the affairs of such banks.
The term ‘‘uninsured State member bank’’ means a State member bank (as defined in section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act) the deposits of which are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
State member banks are not authorized to invest in real estate except with the prior approval of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System under Federal Reserve Regulation H (12 CFR Part 208).