State trunk highway definition

State trunk highway means any highway designated pursuant to s. 84.02 or 84.29 as part of the state trunk highway sys- tem, exclusive of connecting highways.
State trunk highway means any highway designated pursuant to §§ 84.02 or 84.29, Wisconsin Statues as part of the state trunk highway system, exclusive of connecting highways.
State trunk highway means any highway designated as part of the state trunk highway system pursuant to s.

Examples of State trunk highway in a sentence

  • State trunk highway network roadways include interstate highways, United States highways, and intrastate highways, in accordance with Chapter 84 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Trans 108 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code.

  • State trunk highway means a road maintained by the state department of transportation.

  • State trunk highway 173 is designated as long truck routes within Nekoosa.

  • Where the proposed road intersects with or abuts a County or State trunk highway, the plans and layout shall be submitted to the County Highway Department or State Division of Highways by the developer.

  • Resolutions No. 18-027 relative to final resolution to discontinue that portion of Michigan street lying between Jones street and Whitney Street, that portion of Michigan street lying between Jones street and State Trunk Highway 33 right-of-way and that portion of Denning street lying between Jones street and State trunk highway 33 right-of-way in the City of Portage, Columbia County, Wisconsin (Tabled until the City is able to obtain the utility easement and the objection from Alvin Hamele is reviewed.

  • The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has jurisdiction over the State trunk highway system, Waukesha County has jurisdiction over the County trunk highway system, and each local government unit has jurisdiction over local arterial streets within their community.

  • Category B bridges are generally those bridges that are State trunk highway bridges over City streets.

  • No State trunk highway or connecting street, or part thereof,shall be blocked off by any local authority for any snowmobile or ATV race, rally or derby.(c) Notification and duty of police.--A local authority shall notify the local police department and the county sheriff's office at least one week in advance of the time and place of anysnowmobile or ATV race, rally or derby which may result in anyhighway or street, or part thereof, being blocked off.

  • The Transportation System Plan (TSP) documents MnDOT Metro District’s long-range investment plan for maintaining and improving the State trunk highway system to serve all modes of transportation within its eight-county service area (the seven county metro area plus Chisago County).

  • Objecting agencies include the Wisconsin Department of Administration, the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services if the land to be subdivided will be served by a private onsite wastewater treatment system (POWTS), and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation if the land to be subdivided abuts a State trunk highway or connecting highway or street.

More Definitions of State trunk highway

State trunk highway means any highway designated pursuant to s. 84.02 or
State trunk highway means a highway designated as part of the state trunk highway system as provided in s.84.02, Stats., including national parkways as provided in s. 84.105 (5), Stats., and interstate highways as provided in s. 84.29 (2), Stats.

Related to State trunk highway

  • Highway means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way or place open to the use

  • Airport means public-use airport open to the public without prior permission and without restrictions within the physical capacities of available facilities.