Stationary engine definition

Stationary engine means a temporary or permanently affixed engine designed and used to supply power primarily for agricultural or construction work. Stationary engine includes, but is not limited to, an engine powering irrigation equipment, generators, or earth-moving equipment.
Stationary engine means an engine that is designed to stay in one location, or remains in one location. An engine is stationary if any of the following are true:
Stationary engine means an internal combustion engine that

Examples of Stationary engine in a sentence

  • Stationary engine manufacturers and worldwide engine R&D firms continue to drive advanced engine technology, including accelerating the diffusion of innovative technology and concepts from the automotive market to the stationary market.

  • Stationary engine includes, but is not limited to, an engine powering irrigation equipment, generators, or earth-moving equipment.

  • Stationary engine generators shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 2200 and shall comply with this section.

  • Strategic Questions – Introductions & Transfers of Aquatic Organism5.

  • These items have already been incorporated into modeling practices.· The Minnesota Ambient Air Quality Standard for PM10 was eliminated to reflect the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM10; as a result, dispersion modeling will be required for PM10 annual standard in State Implementation Plan maintenance areas only.· Stationary engine fuel sulfur limits in chapter 7011 were revised downward to reflect the use of ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel.

  • Due to essential non-magnetic changes of the spectral lines during the flares, ordinary magnetographic measurements could give unreliable data [7].

More Definitions of Stationary engine

Stationary engine means an internal combustion engine that is not used in a motor vehicle, a vehicle used solely for competition, a nonroad vehicle, or nonroad equipment.
Stationary engine means a compression ignition engine that is designed to stay in one location, or remains in one location. A compression ignition engine is stationary if any of the following are true: {effective May 1, 2010}
Stationary engine means a steam engine, an internal combustion engine or a turbine engine that is operated in a stationary position.
Stationary engine means an engine that is de- signed to stay in one location, or remains in one loca- tion. An engine is stationary if any of the following are true:

Related to Stationary engine

  • Stationary source means any building, structure, facility, or installation which emits or may emit any federally regulated air pollutant.

  • flight plan means specified information provided to air traffic services units, relative to an intended flight or portion of a flight of an aircraft;

  • Dual-Fuel Engine means an engine that is designed to simultaneously operate with a liquid fuel and a gaseous fuel, both fuels being metered separately, the consumed amount of one of the fuels relative to the other one being able to vary depending on the operation;