Courier means any armed person who transports or offers to transport from one place to another
Delivery service means the providing of electric transmission or distribution to a retail customer.
Delivery into consignee s store or to his site’ means delivered and unloaded in the specified store or depot or on the specified site in compliance with the conditions of the contract or order, the supplier bearing all risks and charges involved until the supplies are so delivered and a valid receipt is obtained.
Delivery Year means the Planning Period for which a Capacity Resource is committed pursuant to the auction procedures specified in Tariff, Attachment DD, or pursuant to an FRR Capacity Plan under Reliability Assurance Agreement, Schedule 8.
Locational Deliverability Area or “LDA” shall mean a geographic area within the PJM Region that has limited transmission capability to import capacity to satisfy such area’s reliability requirement, as determined by the Office of the Interconnection in connection with preparation of the Regional Transmission Expansion Plan, and as specified in Reliability Assurance Agreement, Schedule 10.1.
Delivery ex stock means immediate delivery directly from stock actually on hand.
Delivery into consignees store or to his site means delivered and unloaded in the specified store or depot or on the specified site in compliance with the conditions of the contract or order, the supplier bearing all risks and charges involved until the supplies are so delivered and a valid receipt is obtained.
Central Automatic Message Accounting (CAMA) Trunk means a trunk that uses Multi-Frequency (MF) signaling to transmit calls from CLEC’s switch to an AT&T-21STATE E911 Selective Router.