Statutory Surplus definition
Examples of Statutory Surplus in a sentence
These studies have included the determination of rates of return on Statutory Surplus and GAAP Equity by line - by state using the NAIC methodology, and comparison of individual insurance company performance vis a vis industry Country-Wide performance.Conducted and presented expert testimony relating to rate regulation of workers compensation, automobile, and professional malpractice insurance.
Appropriation to the Statutory Surplus Reserves may be ceased when the fund aggregates to 50% of the Company’s registered capital.
The Statutory Surplus Reserves may be used to make good previous years’ losses or to increase the capital of the Company upon approval.
Pursuant to the Company Law of PRC, the Company’s Articles of Association and the resolution of Board of Directors, the Company is required to transfer 10% of its net profit to a Statutory Surplus Reserves.
These studies have included the determination of rates of return on Statutory Surplus and GAAP Equity by line - by state using the NAIC methodology, and comparison of individual insurance company performance vis a vis industry Country-Wide performance.Conducted and presented expert testimony relating to rate regulation of workers’ compensation, automobile, and professional malpractice insurance.