Examples of Stock keeping unit in a sentence
SKU – Stock keeping unit, an alphanumeric identifier for a product that helps in inventorymanagement.
Stock keeping unit (SKU); refers to the number of different products a company produces or keeps at stock.
Stock keeping unit rationalization: a cross-functional, cross-firm perspective.
There are three main approaches to use in warehousing 1, Stock keeping unit (SKU) storage—in this traditional approach, all of a given type of product is stored together 2, Job lot storage—in this approach, all the different products related to the needs of a certain type of customer or related to the needs of a particular job are stored together 3, Cross docking—an approach that was pioneered by Wal-Mart in its drive to increase efficiencies in its supply chain.
Stock keeping unit Stock keeping unit (SKU) is an identification,usually alphanumeric, of a particular product that allows it to be tracked for inventory purposes.