Examples of Storage Injection Capacity in a sentence
A proposed Storage Injection Capacity Transfer may not be notified later than one (1) hour prior to the commencement of the Storage Transfer Period.
Mr. First was previously an investment banker with Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated from August 1991 until March 1994.
If additional capacity can be made available for Cycle 3, the additional capacity will be reflected in the Net Storage Injection Capacity value on the Capacity Utilization Page on Envoy.
If additional capacity can be made available for Cycle 1, the additional capacity will be reflected in the Net Storage Injection Capacity value on the Capacity Utilization Page on Envoy.
Where, Forecasted System Capacity = Forecasted Sendout + Physical Storage Injection Capacity + Off-System Scheduled Quantities * The Utility will provide a minimum one-hour notice prior to the Evening Cycle nomination deadline when calling an Evening Cycle OFO.