Storage system definition

Storage system means a system or technology that can store
Storage system means one or more tanks(s), and all connecting pipes, valves or other devices appurtenant thereto.
Storage system means a stationary tank not

Examples of Storage system in a sentence

  • Advanced Energy Storage system capacity is not additive with generation capacity for purposes of calculating the tiered incentive.

  • This will vary depending on the duration design of the Energy Storage system (e.g., 2 hours, 4 hours, etc.).

  • A storage sys- tem (ss1) that maps conceptual relations to inverted files, where data files are stored in unor- dered files (defined earlier by expression uf) and index files stored in isam files (defined ear- lier by expression isf) corresponds to the expression: ss1 = index[ internal[ uf ], internal[ isf ] ] Storage system ss2 is an enhancement of ss1 in that it handles long records.

  • In this section, first we present the definition of a Blind Storage system, followed by an efficient construction SCATTERSTORE, and a proof of security.

  • It is the end user’s sole and exclusive remedy against GOODWE and XXXXXX’s sole and exclusive liability in respect of defects in Energy Storage system.

More Definitions of Storage system

Storage system means a stationary tank not covered under the provisions of chapter 377, together with any onsite integral piping or dis- pensing system associated therewith, which is or has been used for the storage or supply of any petroleum product, pollutant, or hazardous sub- stance as defined herein, and which is registered with the Department of Environmental Protection under this chapter or any rule adopted pursuant hereto.
Storage system means an energy storage system, whether or not used in connection with a PV System, including any battery management system, wiring and other electrical devices, as applicable, conduits, weatherproof housings, hardware, remote monitoring equipment and connectors (including any replacement or additional parts included from time to time).
Storage system means a system, mechanism or device for the conversion of electricity into a form of energy which can be kept in reserve, the keeping of that energy and the subsequent reconversion of that energy into electrical energy in a controllable manner;
Storage system means a system for the storage of water or any other substance intended for use in the production of electricity produced from renewable energy sources;
Storage system means a storage tank and all associated piping including fill, vents, dispensing, and return line.
Storage system means every structured set of the personal data available according to special criteria, regardless of whether they are centralized, decentralized or dissipated according to the functional or geographical basis;
Storage system means a system that stores electricity generated by a PV system or another source for later use.