Main line means the pressurized pipeline that delivers water from the water source to the valve or outlet.
On-line means transactions through electronic data-interchange whether real time transactions or otherwise, which may be through the internet, intranet networks and the like.
electric line means any line which is used for carrying electricity for any purpose and includes:
Trunk line means the coaxial/optic fiber cable network and other allied equipment such as receiver nodes, amplifiers, splitters etc. owned and installed by the multi-system operator or its associate companies for the purpose of transmitting Cable TV Signal to various LCOs till the receiving end of various LCOs, including the LCO, to enable them to re-transmit the Cable TV Signal to respective subscribers; All other words and expressions used in this interconnection agreement but not defined, and defined in the Act and rules and regulations made thereunder or the CTN Act and the rules and regulations made thereunder, shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in those Acts or the rules or regulations, as the case may be.
Generating Facility means Developer’s device for the production of electricity identified in the Interconnection Request, but shall not include the Developer’s Attachment Facilities.
Energy Use Intensity (EUI means the kBTUs (1,000 British Thermal Units) used per square foot of gross floor area.
Functionally Dependent Facility means a facility which cannot be used for its intended purpose unless it is located in close proximity to water, limited to a docking or port facility necessary for the loading and unloading of cargo or passengers, shipbuilding, or ship repair. The term does not include long-term storage, manufacture, sales, or service facilities.
Micro wireless facility means a small cell facility that is not larger in dimension than 24 inches in length, 15 inches in width, and 12 inches in height and that has an exterior antenna, if any, not longer than 11 inches.
Receiving facility means a medical facility as approved by the Health Officer.
Generating Facilities means Interconnection Customer’s device for the production and/or storage for later injection of electricity identified in the Interconnection Request, but shall not include the Interconnection Customer’s Interconnection Facilities.
Bandwidth means a distributor’s defined tolerance used to flag data for further scrutiny at the stage in the VEE process where a current reading is compared to a reading from an equivalent historical billing period. For example, a 30 percent bandwidth means a current reading that is either 30 percent lower or 30 percent higher than the measurement from an equivalent historical billing period will be identified by the VEE process as requiring further scrutiny and verification;
Transmission Reliability Margin or “TRM” shall mean the amount of transmission transfer capability necessary to provide reasonable assurance that the interconnected transmission network will be secure. TRM accounts for the inherent uncertainty in system conditions and the need for operating flexibility to ensure reliable system operation as system conditions change.
Electric generation service means the provision of retail
Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) means the diameter of a tree at 4 1/2 feet above the ground measured from the uphill side.
overhead line means any electric supply-line, which is placed above ground and in the open air but excluding live rails of traction system;
Basecoat means a coat of colored material, usually opaque, that is applied before graining inks, glazing coats, or other opaque finishing materials and is usually topcoated for protection.
911 Service means a universal telephone number which gives the public direct access to the Public Safety Answering Point (“PSAP”). Basic 911 service collects 911 calls from one or more local exchange switches that serve a geographic area. The calls are then sent to the correct authority designated to receive such calls.
Combined sewer overflow means the discharge of untreated or
Utility service means the transportation or transmission of natural gas or electricity by means of mains, wires, lines or pipes, to users or customers.
Service Line means any electric supply line through which electricity is, or is intended to be, supplied:
building line means a rear space, side space or street front space;
Small wireless facility means a wireless facility that meets both of the following qualifications:
Interconnected Reliability Operating Limit or “IROL” shall mean the value (such as MW, MVAR, Amperes, Frequency, or Volts) derived from, or a subset of, the System Operating Limits, which if exceeded, could expose a widespread area of the bulk electrical system to instability, uncontrolled separation(s) or cascading outages.
Interconnection Service means the physical and electrical interconnection of the Customer Facility with the Transmission System pursuant to the terms of Tariff, Part IV and Tariff, Part VI and the Interconnection Service Agreement entered into pursuant thereto by Interconnection Customer, the Interconnected Transmission Owner and Transmission Provider.
Service Connection means all cables and equipment required to connect the supply mains to the electrical installation of the consumer at the point of supply;
Transmission line means any single or multiphase electric power line operating at nominal voltages at or in excess of either 69,000 volts between ungrounded conductors or 40,000 volts between grounded and ungrounded conductors, regardless of the functional service provided by the line.