Storm water conveyance system definition
Examples of Storm water conveyance system in a sentence
The City owns and operates a number of public facilities including the following:● Water treatment plant (Trident HS package filter).● Water storage reservoirs (5), booster pump stations (2), and distribution system (54 miles of pipe).● Wastewater treatment plant (activated sludge).● Wastewater collection system (49 miles of gravity pipe).● Storm water conveyance system discharging to Ames Creek, Wiley Creek, and the South Santiam River (42 miles of pipe and ditches).
A temporary rise in flow or stage of any watercourse or Storm water conveyance system that results in storm water runoff exceeding its normal flow boundaries and inundating adjacent, normally dry areas.
The contractor shall provide the final draft of the content of the course (including the agenda for the duration of the training with clear outline of topics to be covered) 5 working days before the start date of the training.