Examples of Strategic function in a sentence
Compliance with the requirements of this Procedure has to be audited by the Operating/Business Unit,Service Function and/or Strategic function at least annually as part of an internal review process.
Sample DeterminationSample size (n) of the study population based on monkey survey sample size calculator (2016) was 126 (one hundred twenty six) derived from a population of 187 parastatals at the confidence level of 95%, z- score of 1.96 and 5% margin of error.Where, N = population, n =sample size, e= margin of error, z= z score and P= confidence level Strategic function= 21 ×126= 14.14 = 14187 RI, PU&TC= 45 ×126= 30.
Compliance with the requirements of this procedure has to be audited by the Operating/Business Unit, Service Function and/or Strategic function at least annually as part of an internal review process.
The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate edged up from 3.1% in the first quarter to 3.2% in the second quarter.
The Steering Committee will include members who can provide advice and leadership in the following areas: Strategic function, Governance, Patient Safety, Ethics and Research, Strategic partnerships, Consumer representation.
The focus areas of such monitoring will include: Incident classification and reporting, and incident follow-up.The Sustainability and Risk Strategic function is responsible for reporting the statistical data monthly and, for the purposes of the annual report, annually.
As per the concept of BST as approved by Commission, the power purchase cost is allocated to Discom based on their consumer mix.
PostAdditional support / resourceChief Operating Officer SBC / Adults SW Strategy / Chief Finance Officer IJBFull time director post with responsibility for the Strategic function of Adult Social Work Service with overall responsibility for the Social Care provision.
The strategy is based on a twin track approach • Individual building basis• Strategic function assessment – “customer centric” or “back office/support” Individual building basis Consultation has taken place with a number of elected members, Strategic Directors, Assistant Directors, and service managers.
As part of your Bank’s vision to transform the role of Risk into a Strategic function, a Board approved Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Policy is in place.