Examples of Street Yard in a sentence
Egress Switch 12th Floor, The White Collar Factory, 1 Old Street Yard, London, EC1Y 8AF, United Kingdom Encrypted Data for the purpose of secure email transfer between clients and Payplus.
Three additional “High Concern” sites would be within the 120th Street Yard and Shop.
Bridge 254, south of the Johnson Street Yard went out for bid, but has not been awarded yet.
The foregoing provisions of this Section 6 shall not apply to any capital improvement (including, but not limited to, a transloading facility or automotive ramp) within an Operator's Facility or the current CRC developable property encompassing current CRC Elizabethport Yard (Trumbull Street Yard) or the CRC developable property east of current CRC's Chemical Coast Secondary and adjacent to the E-Rail intermodal facility (northern New Jersey).
Said lot conforms to the modifications herein with the exception of a Street Yard.
Free to download:www.edcm.org.uk/media/8260/using_the_law_to_fight_cuts.pdf If your relative is over 18 and receives funding from the NHS see: • NHS Choices webpages:www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/pages/nhs- continuing-care.aspxWords in italics are explained in the Jargon Buster at the end of this information sheet.
Section25-22-1 Intent25-22-2 Definitions25-22-3 Applicability25-22-4 Materials, Installation, and Maintenance Standards 25-22-5 Tree Plantings25-22-6 Street Yard Landscape Provisions 25-22-7 Bufferyard & Screening Provisions 25-22-8 Parking Lot Landscaping25-22-9 Nature-Based Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) 25-22-10 Performance Guarantee25-22-11 General Provisions § 25-22-1 INTENT.
Up to one-half (1/2) of all trees required by the Landscaped Street Yard calculations may be used to satisfy these parking lot landscaping requirements.
Sheets L01 and L02 show the proposed landscaping plan.o Landscaped Street Yard: The zoning regulations require a landscaped street yard along street frontages of varying minimum widths depending upon the depth of the lot.
Standard is not less than 15% of the Street Yard area shall be landscaped.