Examples of Strenuous activity in a sentence
Strenuous activity should be avoided when temperatures are above 90 degrees.
Strenuous activity is any activity that makes the heart beat quickly and sweats.
Activity: Strenuous activity (e.g., heavy lifting, weight training, calisthenics, and aerobics) is prohibited from 96 hours prior to admission until discharge.
Strenuous activity (eg, sports), or intent to participate in strenuous activity from 4 days before Check-in (Day -1) and throughout the study (until after the final Follow-up Visit).
Strenuous activity beyond what is customary for the subject is prohibited during the study.
The study must enroll nonsmoking subjects.Activity: Strenuous activity is prohibited from 48 hours prior to admission until discharge.
Strenuous activity before and/ or after a trip will exacerbate the onset of fatigue and tiredness.
Strenuous activity, when the airman is performing at the maximum heart rate, should not exceed 15 minutes in duration.
Strenuous activity must be curtailed for new and nonacclimatized personnel during the first 3 weeks of heat exposure.
Strenuous activity is exhausting, and typically makes you sweat and your heart beat faster.