Stripe Account definition
Examples of Stripe Account in a sentence
You must keep the User Information in your Stripe Account current.
Stripe may deduct, recoup or setoff Fees and other amounts you owe under this Agreement, or under any other agreements you have with Stripe or any of its Affiliates, from your Stripe Account balance, or invoice you for those amounts.
You may terminate this Agreement at any time by closing your Stripe Account.
Stripe may terminate this Agreement (or any part) or close your Stripe Account at any time for any or no reason (including if any event listed in Sections 6.2(a)–(i) of these General Terms occurs) by notifying you.
You must promptly update your Stripe Account with any changes affecting you, the nature of your business activities, your Representative, beneficial owners, principals, or any other pertinent information.
You and your Representative must not attempt to create a Stripe Account on behalf of or for the benefit of a user whose use of the Stripe services was suspended or terminated by Stripe, unless Stripe approves otherwise.
Where Law permits, Stripe will notify you of the Legal Process by sending a copy to the email address in the applicable Stripe Account.
You must prevent any Credential Compromise, and otherwise ensure that your Stripe Account is not used or modified by anyone other than you and your representatives.
Stripe will provide you with support to resolve general issues relating to your Stripe Account and your use of the Services through resources and documentation that Stripe makes available on the Stripe Website and in the Documentation.
If you do not comply with the PCI Standards, or if Stripe or any Payment Method Provider or Payment Method Acquirer is unable to verify your compliance with the PCI Standards, Stripe may suspend your Stripe Account or terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part.