Section 4.6 Sample Clauses
Section 4.6. 27 The Association field staff, upon making their presence known to the District, shall have access to the 28 District premises during business hours, provided, that no conferences or meetings between employees 29 and Association representatives will in any way hamper or obstruct the normal flow of work.
Section 4.6. 33 Representatives of the Association, upon making their presence and purpose known to the District, 34 shall have access to the District premise during business hours, provided, that no conferences or 35 meetings between employees and Association representatives will in any way hamper or obstruct the 36 normal flow of work and normal operation of the District.
Section 4.6. 30 The responsibility for the prompt removal of notices from the bulletin boards after they have served their 31 purpose shall rest with the individual who posted such notices.
Section 4.6. 34 Visitation rights, within reason, shall be granted to the designated representative of the Public School 35 Employees of Washington/SEIU Local 1948 to visit with employees in the appropriate bargaining 36 units for purposes of grievance procedure and/or general information data. The visiting delegate shall 37 notify the school district of his arrival. Such meetings shall not obstruct or hamper the flow of work.
Section 4.6. 37 The President of the Association will be provided with information regarding employment status, hire 38 dates, fringe benefits, and similar information provided that the information does not require compilation 39 of special reports, can be obtained by reproducing existing District reports, and the personnel officer is 40 given at least one week's notice specifying the information requested.
Section 4.6. 13 Representatives of the Association, upon making their presence known to the District, shall have access to 14 the District premises during business hours, provided, that no conferences or meetings between employees 15 and Association representatives will in any way hamper or obstruct the normal flow of work.
Section 4.6. 46 The Union and its representatives may use the intra-District mail service and employee mail boxes to 47 communicate to classified employees. This shall include freedom from any censorship or screening by 48 the District representatives prior to distribution. The Union may use District school buildings for 1 meetings and to transact official business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this 2 shall not interfere with nor interrupt normal school operations or other scheduled building activities as 3 determined by checking with the Superintendent or designee.
Section 4.6. 28 The local president or designee of the Yelm Association will be allowed a reasonable opportunity to 29 confer with employees during working hours regarding joining the Association. It is understood 30 however, such consultations should take place before or after work hours whenever possible and that 31 shop stewards will be used whenever possible during the day. Work related problems may be handled 32 in consultation with the District as to cause the least amount of interference. 34 In the event the District holds a benefit fair, the union will be provided a table/booth.
Section 4.6. 21 The names of and information regarding employees in the bargaining unit will be provided to the 22 President of the local chapter upon reasonable request.