Examples of Structural height in a sentence
Structural height of the dam, in feet to the nearest foot, which is defined as the vertical distance from the lowest point of the excavated foundation to the top of the dam.
Large dam = Structural height of more than 6 feet and a maximum storage capacity of 50 acre-feet or more of water.
However, if any such resources are encountered during construction of the proposed project, the applicable rules governing the protection of such resources prescribed by CEQA and the California Office of Historic Preservation shall be adhered to in order to ensure that they are not damaged.
Structural height: The vertical distance from the lowest point of natural ground on the downstream side of the dam to the highest part of the dam which would impound water• c.
Structural height is 44.2 feet, and hydraulic height is 40.0 feet.
Framework None ExtensiveComplete Damage states Structural height Structural type Year of construction Design information GIS dataBuilding MDOFattribute data Parameter shear Fig.
Structural height means the difference in elevation in feet between the point of lowest elevation of the top of the embankment before overtopping and the lowest elevation of the downstream toe of embankment.
Structural height is limited to 12 feet above average natural grade.
The routed 100-year, 24-hour design storm may not pass through the emergency spillway if the pond is designed to have a:▪ Structural height > 6 feet and flood storage capacity > 50 acre-feet, or▪ Structural height > 25 feet and flood storage capacity > 15 acre-feet.• Backwater from a down slope conveyance system may not pass through the emergency spillway during the 1-year, 2-year or 10-year, 24-hour design storm.
Structural height is limited to the distance between the ground elevation of the site and an elevation which the FAA has determined will not adversely affect this airport or its aeronautical operations, including interference with navigational-aids or published flight paths and procedures.