Student health insurance coverage definition
Examples of Student health insurance coverage in a sentence
However, if a de- pendent’s last known address is dif- ferent than the individual’s last known address, a separate SBC is required to be provided to the dependent at the de- pendents’ last known address.(B) Student health insurance coverage.
Student health insurance coverage terminates when a student leaves for military duty.
Student health insurance coverage could not be offered to individuals other than students and their dependents, could not condition eligibility based on health status, and had to satisfy any additional requirements imposed under State law.Exemptions from the PHS Act.
Student health insurance coverage includes autumn semester (mid-August to end-December) and spring semester and summer term (January to mid-August).
Student health in-surance coverage is not subject to the requirements of section 1312(c) of the Affordable Care Act.
Student health insurance coverage has the meaning given the term in § 147.145 of this subchapter.
Summaries of suicidality are the same as specified in the M-SAP with the revision that suicidality noted more than 40 days after last dose of study drug will not be tabulated.
Student health insurance coverage is not subject to the requirements of section 1312(c) of the Affordable Care Act.* * * * *PART 150—CMS ENFORCEMENT IN GROUP AND INDIVIDUAL INSURANCE MARKETS■ 10.
However, ifa dependent’s last known address is different than the individual’s last known address, a separate SBC is required to be provided to the dependent at the dependents’ last known address.(B) Student health insurance coverage.
For additional information, please go to: settled/health-insurance/#c38508 Student health insurance coverage starts on the first day of the semester,i.e. on 1 October (winter semester) or 1 April (summer semester).