Examples of Student with an IEP in a sentence
The IDEA does not require that the School District provide Student with an IEP and placement that will “maximize” educational potential.
Although Student was in a mainstreamed environment during the 2016- 2017 school year, Respondent failed to provide Student with an IEP, which provided support and services as a student with a SLD and an ***.
The District in [the different state] did not provide Student with an IEP or a Section 504 service agreement in 6th grade, instead taking a “wait and see” approach.
An order directing District to provide Student with an IEP based on Student’s present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (“PLAAFP”) tailored to meet Student’s unique education needs with appropriate supplementary aids and services in the LRE; 9.
Because the Parents have not identified an instance with the District did not issue a PWN as required, and the Parents have not presented any evidence that the PWNs the District issued were untimely, they have not met their burden and have not shown by a preponderance of the evidence that the District violated WAC 392-172A-05010.Substantive Issues The District Provided the Student with an IEP That was Reasonably Calculated and Appropriately Ambitious in Light of the Student’s Circumstances. 51.
Petitioner’s allegation encompasses both DCPS’ failure to provide Student with an IEP that prescribed full-time outside of general education services in a therapeutic environment and DCPS’ failure to provide Student with a location of services that provided full-time services in a therapeutic environment.
I order the School to provide compensatory education to Student, to issue an Evaluation Report, and to convene an IEP meeting to provide Student with an IEP.
The court further states that the statutory goal is to make sure that every affected student receive a publicly funded education that benefits the student.101A major question with regard to the current case and whether or not FAPE was denied is whether or not the District between November 2013 and October 2014 failed to provide the Student with an IEP that appropriately addressed all of her educational needs including her maladaptive behaviors.
The District provided the Student with an IEP that was reasonably calculated and appropriately ambitious in light of the Student’s circumstances; 8.
District initially assessed Student and found him eligible for special education based upon his autistic-like behaviors, and has provided Student with an IEP since age three.