Project Team means Owner, Contractor, A/E and consultants, any separate Contractors employed by Owner, and others employed for the purpose of programming, design, and construction of the Project. The members of the Project Team will be designated in writing by Owner and may be modified from time to time in writing by Owner.
Development Team means the entities and professionals assembled to develop and manage the Project, typically including the Applicant, Owner, Developer(s), Co-Developer(s) and general partner or any other related entities in which the Developer or Co-Developer has an identity of interest or a Controlling Interest.
Research Committee shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.
Evaluation Team means the team appointed by the City; “Information Meeting” has the meaning set out in section 2.2;
Development Committee has the meaning set forth in Article 3 of the Amended and Restated Research and Development Agreement.
Steering Committee shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.
JSC has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.
JRC has the meaning set forth in Section 2.2.
JPC means Joint Planning Committee.
Joint Research Committee or “JRC” has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.1.
JMC has the meaning set forth in Section 3.01.
Project Managers means the individuals identified in Section 12 of this Agreement who are authorized by TriMet and Subrecipient respectively to send and receive communications regarding this Agreement.
JDC has the meaning set forth in Section 3.2.
Joint Steering Committee or “JSC” has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.
Research Plan shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.
Design Team means Architect and its Subconsultants as set forth in the Design Services Agreement.
Project Steering Committee or “PSC” means the committee referred to in Section I.B of Schedule 2 to this Agreement;
Research Program has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.
JCC has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.
Screening Committee means the State level Screening Committee constituted in terms of sub-rule (2) of rule 123 of these rules.
IEP team means a group of individuals described in Wis. Stat. § 115.78 that is responsible for evaluating the child to determine the child’s eligibility or continued eligibility for special education and related services and the educational needs of the child; developing, reviewing, or revising an IEP for the child; and determining the special education placement for the child.
Joint Development Committee or “JDC” has the meaning set forth in Section 3.10.
Multidisciplinary team means a group formed to provide assistance and support to a child who is an at-risk youth or a child in need of services and his or her parent. The team must include the parent, a department caseworker, a local government representative when authorized by the local government, and when appropriate, members from the men- tal health and substance abuse disciplines. The team may also include, but is not limited to, the following persons: Educa- tors, law enforcement personnel, probation officers, employ- ers, church persons, tribal members, therapists, medical per- sonnel, social service providers, placement providers, and extended family members. The team members must be vol- unteers who do not receive compensation while acting in a capacity as a team member, unless the member's employer chooses to provide compensation or the member is a state employee.
Research Project means a discrete scientific endeavor to answer a research question or a set of research questions related to medical marijuana and is required for a medical marijuana research license.
Collaboration has the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.
Technical Advisory Committee means the external committee to be established and appointed by the Steering Committee to provide technical input for decisions to be taken by the Steering Committee; and