Subscription Basis definition
Examples of Subscription Basis in a sentence
Equity in Non-Corporate Entities and in Corporate Entities; Variety of Corporate Ownership Interests; Corporate Capital; Issuance of Stock; Par Value stock; No-Par stock; Stock sold on a Subscription Basis; Stock Issued in Non cash Transactions; Cost of Issuing Stock; Treasury Stock; Purchase, Sale and Retiring Treasury Stock; Retained Earnings; Dividends; Types of Dividends; Stock Split; Statement of Changes in Stockholder’s Equity.
For any delay in delivery of the Centralized Desktop Management and Patch Management on Subscription Basis, The Municipal co-operative Bank Ltd.
Integral will discount the Service Fees as stated above for the General Category of Participant by 50% for MTF Participants that are Integral BankFX customers on a Subscription Basis.
In order to meet the Full Subscription Basis, our Company had procured an Undertaking from the Undertaking Shareholder, details of which are set out below:- Undertaking ShareholderNote 1: Assuming none of the Entitled Shareholders and/or their renouncee(s) and/or transferee(s) (other than ATTG) subscribes for the Rights Shares and pursuant to the LA, ATTG’s resultant shareholdings in our Company under the Full Subscription Basis will increase to 71.00%.
Equity in Non-Corporate Entities and in Corporate Entities; Variety of Corporate Ownership Interests; Corporate Capital; Issuance of Stock; Par Value stock; No-Par stock; Stock sold on a Subscription Basis; Stock Issued in Non cash Transactions; Cost of Issuing Stock; Treasury Stock; Purchase, Sale and Retiring Treasury Stock; Retained Earnings; Dividends; Types of Dividends; Stock Split; Statement of Changes in Stockholder‘s Equity.
The Rights Issue of Shares will be undertaken on the Full Subscription Basis via the Undertaking by the Undertaking Shareholder, the details of which are set out in Section2.3 of this Abridged Prospectus.
The proforma effects of the Proposed Rights Issue (based on the Full Subscription Basis) on Comintel’s substantial shareholders’ shareholdings as at the LPD are set out as follows:- Note:(i) Deemed interested by virtue of his shareholdings in JCSB pursuant to Section 8(4) of the Act.
Subscription Basis Each Class A Shareholder at the close of business on the Record Date is entitled to receive one Right for each Class A Share held.
Objective of this RFP is to procure Centralized Desktop Management and Patch Management on Subscription Basis in accordance with technical specifications given in the RFP.RFP for The Municipal Co-op.
CA Certificate indicating turnover and net worth during last 3 financial years - 2018- 19, 2019-20, 2020-21.3The Bidder should have been offering Centralized Desktop Management and Patch Management on Subscription Basis tool in India for the past 3 years.The bidder should be offering services to at least Five Banks inIndia during last three years.Self-Declaration certificate, giving services details offered to Banks with relevant documents.Bidder must provide client reference like purchase orders etc.