Examples of Substitute natural gas in a sentence
Substitute natural gas is a high calorific value gas, manufactured by chemicalconversion of a hydrocarbon fossil fuel.
Substitute natural gas shall include manufactured gas, gas produced from liquid petroleum gases such as propane, butane, and gas produced from naphtha.
Substitute natural gas is distinguished from other manufactured gases by its high heat value (above 8 000 kcal/m3) and by its high methane content (above 85%).
Substitute natural gas produced by synthesis from fuels other than coal based should also come under "from other sources".
Romero, Jennifer Collins, Carrie Johnson, Jennifer Merrigan, Lynne Perkins, Judith Sznyter, and Lisa Dale May This deconstructing the "image" of battered women is available in Saint Louis University Public Law Review:https://scholarship.law.slu.edu/plr/vol23/iss1/10 THE MISSOURI BATTERED WOMEN’S CLEMENCY COALITION: A COLLABORATIVE EFFORT IN JUSTICEFOR ELEVEN MISSOURI WOMEN BRIDGET B.