Examples of Success in a sentence
The referral process shall include Student Success Team (SST) meetings to review prior interventions, accommodations and modifications and to recommend further interventions as appropriate.
Pursuant to the “Student Success Act”, codified at 2019 Oregon Laws Chapter 122 and as amended from time to time (the “Act”).
Students must meet the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA) course and degree plan requirements and abide by the College’s placement scores, policies, and prerequisite requirements.
Describe each School Quality or Student Success Indicator, including, for each such indicator: (i) how it allows for meaningful differentiation in school performance; (ii) that it is valid, reliable, comparable, and statewide (for the grade span(s) to which it applies); and (iii) of how each such indicator annually measures performance for all students and separately for each subgroup of students.
The Early College High School shall administer a Texas Success Initiative (TSI) college placement exam (as defined by TAC §4.53) to all accepted students to assess college readiness, design individual instructional plans, and enable students to begin college courses based on their performance.