The Mission Sample Clauses
The Mission a. The AAUP-FA and the Administration incorporate in full the Mission Statement of the University into this Agreement. A copy of the Mission Statement is attached as Appendix D.
b. Every faculty member is responsible to be aware of the University’s Mission Statement and to adhere to it while he/she is a faculty member.
The Mission. 4. The objectives of the Mission (the mission)5 from 6- 14 April 2021 were to review the project progress and identify appropriate measures to address implementation problems.6
5. The Mission met with the Directorate general of Water Resources (DGWR), MPWH represented by the Directorate of River and Coast (DRC) as Central Project Management Unit (CPMU), the river basin organization (RBO) for the 3Cis XXX - the Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai 3 Cis (BBWS3Cis), the RBO for the Ambon–Seram XXX - the Balai Wilayah Sungai Maluku (BWSM); the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) through the Directorate General of Regional Development (DGRD), the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) through the Directorate General of Agriculture Infrastructure Affairs (DGAIF); and the Directorate of Water Resources and Irrigation (DWRI), BAPPENAS. The Mission also met with provincial and district planning, agriculture, environmental, forestry, public works, and disaster management agencies in both the 3 Cis and Ambon-Seram RBTs. The complete List of Persons Met is in Attachment 1.
6. A kick-off meeting, chaired by XXXXXXXX was held on 6 April 2021. Meetings were held to assess progress, identify issues and follow up actions to accelerate project implementation. The mission addressed technical aspects, social and environment safeguards, financial management, procurement, reporting, and monitoring and evaluation. A wrap up meeting, chaired by XXXXXXXX, and attended by representatives of the executing and implementing agencies, was held on 14 April 2021. The mission prepared this memorandum of understanding (MOU) which outlines the agreements reached between the mission and the government. The attachments have been reviewed and mutually agreed and form part of the MOU. The agreements set out in this MOU are subject to review and approval by higher authorities of the government and ADB.
The Mission. 4. The objectives of the Mission (the mission)4 from 08 July to 21 August 2024 was to review the project progress and identify appropriate measures to address implementation problems.5 1 The loan was extended for 15 months from the original loan closing date of 30 June 2023.
The Mission. All locally procured equipment, materials and goods in respect of which VAT reimbursements have been made, will be exported or donated under conditions determined by competent Sudan authority at the termination of the JMM. Page 2, Article 2, The Mission
The Mission a. To promote and enhance the education of maritime professionals with skills required in the competitive, global environment of the 21st century.
b. To develop international collaboration in education, training, research and networking with industry directly contributing to the well-being of the Black Sea Nations.
c. To develop joint modern educational programs supported by social, cultural and human sciences enhancing friendly relations among the Black Sea countries.
d. To create and maintain a global network of members.
e. To become a knowledge center disseminating the results of research and scholarly works jointly produced by BSAMI members to interested parties.
f. To communicate with other maritime associations, organizations and the United Nations agencies.
g. To develop a recognized indexed journal.
The Mission. The Troubleçhooterç embark on çome wild gooçe chaçe. Often the aççignment iç impoççible. Even if it can be completed, ‘çucceçç'—çurviving, garnering praiçe, earning a bonuç—may not involve fulfilling the miççion'ç çtated objectiveç in any way whatever. Often playerç make no real effort to fulfill the objectiveç, preferring to çpend their time unmaçking and executing traitorç on their team.
The Mission. Promoting societal engagement with publicly funded research What can be done to ensure citizen and TSO engagement with European R&I systems? The PROSO project seeks to find answers to this question. To this end it explores barriers and incentives for citizen and TSO engagement with publicly-funded research9. Specifically, it explores the views of citizens, TSOs and other actors such as researchers and program funders about their own interests, roles, and experiences in regard to engagement with research. So far, we know rather little about these views. „[…] we know rather little about whether the public are as keen on participatory dialogue as those who advocate it as key to democratic governance“10. “Several workshop participants agreed that the motivations of the public and CSOs to be engaged are, so far, underexplored. They asked the social scientists to pay more attention towards factors that might influence the willingness to participate (e.g. timing of the event, urgency of the issues at stake or compensation)”11 (emphasis in original). The main objective of PROSO is to xxxxxx the engagement of TSOs and citizens by providing policy makers, funding authorities and TSOs with guidance on possible ways to lower barriers and strengthen incentives. “In order to increase the relevance of research and innovation policies for society, policy makers and decision makers in funding bodies are invited to constantly adapt the governance framework so as to induce society-friendly research and innovation.”12 PROSO pays special attention to barriers and incentives that may be related to the specific expectations of societal engagement from an RRI perspective. There is no unanimous definition of RRI. It is a flexible and open framework rather than a clearly defined concept. There is also no common understanding or clear picture of societal engagement under the header of RRI. On the 9 Engagement may take place at all research process stages ranging from research and technology policy formation over agenda-setting to carrying out research, implementation of research, and evaluation of research outcomes. 11 Xxxxx, Xxxxxx, Xxxxx (2016), Report on the expert workshop “Contemporary experiences with societal engagement under the terms of RRI” (PROSO Deliverable 2.1), p.13; xxxx://xxx.xxxxx-xxxxxxx.xx/wp- content/uploads/proso_d2.1_rri_expert_workshop.pdf. 12 From the Horizon 2020 call under which PROSO is funded. basis of a literature and policy document review, PROSO, howev...
The Mission. 1. The premises of the XXXX shall be inviolable.
2. The property and assets of the Mission, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation and expropriation.
3. The archives of the XXXX and in general all its documents in paper or electronic form, including audio and videotapes, shall be inviolable wherever located and by whomsoever held.
4. The XXXX’x property and assets, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall enjoy immunity from any form of legal process except:
a. In so far as in any particular case it has expressly waived its immunity in writing. It is however, understood that such waived its immunity in writing. It is, however, understood hat such waiver of immunity does not extend to any measure of execution.
b. In the case of civil action brought by the third party for damages arising from accident caused by the use equipment, including a motor vehicle, belonging to or operated on behalf of the mission.
5. The HDC should ensure that the activities of members of the XXXX and the need for equipment and goods are consistent with the role and mandate of the HDC under the COH.
The Mission. The premises of the SLMM, its property and assets wherever located and by whomsoever held shall enjoy within Sri Lanka, the same inviolability, jurisdictional immunities and fiscal exemptions as are accorded to the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Sri Lanka and for this purpose shall be deemed to be part of the said Embassy.
1. The premises of the SLMM shall be inviolable.
2. The property and assets of the Mission, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation and expropriation.
3. The archives of the SLMM and in general all its documents in paper or electronic form, including audio-and videotapes, shall be inviolable wherever located and by whomsoever held.
4. The SLMM's property and assets, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall enjoy immunity from any form of legal process except:
(a) In so far as in any particular case it has expressly waived its immunity in writing. It is, however, understood that such waiver of immunity does not extend to any measure of execution.
(b) In the case of a civil action brought by a third party for damages arising from an accident caused by use of equipment, including a motor vehicle, belonging to or operated on behalf of the Mission.
The Mission. The mission of the Council is to provide offenders in custody with a library service, offering a range of reading and reference material that will: • Assist their learning and skills development. • Help them to structure their time when they are not engaged in regime activities. • Provide essential support and guidance to their resettlement aims; and encourage their use of libraries after release, as part of adopting a positive role in society.