Sum at Risk definition
Examples of Sum at Risk in a sentence
The monthly charges shall be taken for the age last birthday of the life assured and Sum at Risk at each time they are deducted.
The standard mortality charges for the basic cover per Rs.1000/- Sum at Risk for different ages are given in Table 1 of this policy.
For Joint Life Coverage, there shall be two Sums at Risk.The first Sum at Risk (SARJL1) shall be Max [1.25 times Single Premium less Total Fund Value, 0] and Nil after first death.The second Sum at Risk (SARJL2) shall be Max [10 times Single Premium less Total Fund Value, 0].
MC1 shall apply on first Sum at Risk (SARJL1) and MC2 shall apply on second Sum at Risk (SARJL2).
Sum at Risk will be calculated as given below: For Single Life Coverage, Sum at Risk (SARSL) shall be calculated as Sum Assured on Death less Total Fund Value.