Examples of Sundry Debt in a sentence
Sundry Debt is raised by the Council to ensure effective recovery of debts owing.
POLICY IMPLICATIONS Council Policy CP/FIN-3214 Sundry Debt Collection is relevant to this item.
This policy applies to the collection of:● Council Tax● Non-Domestic Rates (Business Rates / NNDR)● Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit/Support Overpayments● Sundry Debt (Council Services)● Overpaid salaries and wages● Housing IncomeThere are specific rules and regulations which govern the recovery and collection of these debts, and are set out in the respective Annexes.
See Annex 1 Council Tax and NNDR Recovery Policy; Annex 3 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit/Support Overpayment Policy, Annex 6 Sundry Debt Policy and Annex 11 Housing Income Management Policy.Write off is only appropriate where:-● the demand or invoice has been raised correctly and is due and owing; and● there is a justified reason why the debt should not be pursued.
Sundry Debt The term Sundry Debts covers the range of miscellaneous invoices raised by Copeland Borough Council in relation to many different council services.
RECOMMENDED that Council notes and approves (where applicable): (1) the General Fund forecast financial position for the 2022 financial year;(2) the supplementary budgets as detailed in paragraph 8.12 and Appendix 3 of the report;(3) the outstanding Sundry Debt position as at September 2022;(4) the creditors payments performance; and(5) the One Exeter programme update.
Key indicators include: • In year collection targets - Council Tax and Business Rates• All years collection - Housing Benefit Overpayments• Top 20 outstanding Sundry Debts progress report• Old Sundry Debt (frozen at 31 March) targeted reduction in following financial year• Housing Income Collection Rates, responsive maintenance, housing voids and tenant satisfaction The Council recognises that failure to achieve income and collection targets will have financial and service consequences.
The Debt Recovery Code of Practice Policy covers the Council’s commitment to the collection of Council Tax, National Non Domestic Rates, and Sundry Debt Accounts (including Social Care Finance charges) .
Local Government Act 1995, impose interest at 9% on any amount of money (other than rates and service charges) which is owed to Shire and has been owed for a period of 35 days in accordance with Council Policy CP/FIN-3214- Sundry Debt Collection.
Reducing the amount of Sundry Debt outstanding older than 3-months would not impact on revenue, but would increase cash collected.