Examples of Supplemental assessment in a sentence
Supplemental assessment and monitoring are on-going and will continue in accordance with the Groundwater Management Permit and various NHDES correspondences.
Relating to another supposes being able to view them as another self, which implies a plurality of human relations and a common world that cannot be reduced to dialogic relations.
Supplemental assessment of the proposed design changes have been undertaken which confirm that no additional impacts to that generated by the approved scheme will occur and therefore no additional amelioration measures will be required.
Supplemental assessment and investigation activities included soil boring and monitoring well installation, additional analytical characterization, product recovery testing of culvert wells, disposal of on-Site transformers and switches, transformer pad confirmation sampling, disposal of PCB contaminated woodblocks, interim measures (i.e., gauging and bailing, test pitting, oily soil excavation and removal, NAPL extraction and dewatering activities), and risk characterization.
Supplemental assessment tools are also researched and purchased to ensure multiple measures are used, in addition to Annual CELDT results, to track our student’s progress in the acquisition of English.
Supplemental assessment data is a useful indicator of current trends in the real estate market.
Supplemental assessment and investigation activities in the Control House including the collection of additional concrete samples from the above detailed locations unless they were conservatively classified as PCB Remediation Waste, in which case additional samples were not collected.
Mr. Villagrana and Mr. Rodriguez supported adding the ESL Supplemental assessment to the intensive pre-service option.
A Supplemental assessment is recommended by an ADA specialist for further guidance and conformance with these regulations; to satisfy the risk tolerance and desired level of the due diligence of some users.
This leaves us with a sample of approximately 1 million credit card users with observed income data and an associated industry of employment.The credit card, debit card, and checking account samples are partially, but not entirely, overlap- ping.