Examples of Supply Vessel in a sentence
The performance of a generic Platform Supply Vessel (PSV) is analyzed by simulating multiple architectures of a hybrid system including diesel generators, energy storage systems, and auxiliary generators.
Support Vessel Cat 2 under 8999bhp 100% FPSO Support/Supply 96% Platform/Rig Supply under 64m 96% Supply Vessel Cat 1 under 64m 96% Site Survey 93% Seismic Survey 100% Shallow Water Seismic 93% Chase Boat 96% Standby 93% North West Coastal under 30m* 90% North West Coastal over 30m** 93% Multifunction/Utility Vessel*** 96% * Includes crew boats, line boats, landing barges, shallow water tug operations where the vessel is less than 30m in length and operating in the NW Coastal Area.
Pursuant to the PSV Shipbuilding Agreement, the parties agreed that the Claimant shall construct and sell to AMG, a 75 metre Platform Supply Vessel (the “PSV”).
Water-based muds containing mixtures of products listed in Chapters 17 and/or 18 of the IBC Code and the latest MEPC.2/Circular and is permitted to be carried under Annex II of MARPOL and resolution A.673 (16) Offshore Supply Vessel Code.
An indent for charter hire of two modular work-over rigs (modular rig with Platform Supply Vessel - PSV) for Mumbai High Asset was issued in December 2011.