Examples of Support Payment in a sentence
Additional Payroll Support Payment means any disbursement of Payroll Support occurring after the first disbursement of Payroll Support under this Agreement.
This chapter provides details of the Economic Support Payment qualification and payment.
The second payment will also be made to recipients residing in Australia on 10 July 2020, except for those who are receiving an income support payment that is eligible to receive the Coronavirus Supplement.108.2 Qualification for the Economic Support Payment A person is qualified for Economic Support Payments if on the test date they are: in receipt of ABSTUDY Living Allowance, or eligible to receive ABSTUDY Living Allowance AND living in Australia.
These recipients will only receive the first Economic Support Payment.
If a household has two parents who are both in receipt of JobSeeker Payment and one child who is in receipt of ABSTUDY Living Allowance, that household would receive three Economic Support Payments – the two parents would each receive the Economic Support Payment ($750 each) and the child would receive the Economic Support Payment ($750).