Supreme Court of Appeals definition
Examples of Supreme Court of Appeals in a sentence
The appropriation for the Judges’ Retirement System (fund 0180, appropriation 11000) is to be transferred to the Consolidated Public Retirement Board, in accordance with the law relating thereto, upon requisition of the Administrative Director of the Supreme Court of Appeals.
In Brown, the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals set out the principles governing a court’s determination of whether acontract is unconscionable.
This fund shall be administered by the Administrative Director of the Supreme Court of Appeals, who shall draw requisitions for warrants in payment in the form of payrolls, making deductions there from as required by law for taxes and other items.
Decisions of courts in private suits are appealable before the Supreme Court of Appeals.
On December 6, 2012, the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia referred all state court actions arising from MSU’s loss of accreditation, including accreditation of its nursing programs, to West Virginia’s Mass Litigation Panel (“MLP”).On April 26, 2013, the parties moved to stay and refer these cases to the MLP proceeding for mediation.
However, the WV Supreme Court of Appeals has clarified that such a preference is not an abso- lute directive to place children with their grandparents in all circumstances.
Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia - Certified Questions from the U.S. District Ct. for the N.
Any person who has not been admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia, but who is a member in good standing of the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States, the bar of the highest court of any other state in the United States, or the bar of the District of Columbia, shall be permitted to appear as a Visiting Attorney in a particular case in association with a Sponsoring Attorney as herein provided.
The WV Supreme Court of Appeals has been charged with the task of developing and implementing an educational program for guardians to meet the mandatory training requirement.
Liggett requested that the trial court certify the matter to the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals, for review, but the trial court refused.