Emergency Response Agency is a governmental entity authorized to respond to requests from the public to meet emergencies.
Emergency responder means an individual who is required to possess a license, certificate, permit, or other official recognition for his or her expertise in a particular field or area of knowledge and whose assistance is utilized or is desirable during an emergency. Emergency responder includes, but is not limited to, emergency medical services personnel; physicians; nurses; mental health, veterinary, or other public health practitioners; emergency management personnel; public works personnel; and firefighters, including firefighters trained in the areas of hazardous materials, specialized rescue, extrication, water rescue, or other specialized area. Emergency responder does not include law enforcement officers or other law enforcement personnel.
Successful Respondent means an organization that receives a grant award as a result of this RFA. May also be referred to as "Grantee, ""Awarded Applicant," "Subrecipient" or "Grant Recipient."
Responsible Respondent means a Respondent that has the capability in all material respects to perform the scope of work and specifications of the Contract. In determining whether a Respondent is a Responsible Respondent, the Agency may consider various factors including, but not limited to, the Respondent’s competence and qualifications to provide the goods or services requested, the Respondent’s integrity and reliability, the past performance of the Respondent and the best interest of the Agency and the State.
Designated crisis responder means a mental health
Substantially Responsive Bid means the bid that contains no material differences or deviations from, or reservations to, the terms, conditions and specifications given in the bidding documents;
Emergency response as used in RCW 38.52.430 means a public
Respondent means an individual who has been reported to be the perpetrator of conduct that could constitute sexual harassment.
Emergency medical responder or “EMR” means an individual who has successfully completed a course of study based on the United States Department of Transportation’s Emergency Medical Responder Instructional Guidelines (January 2009), has passed the psychomotor and cognitive examinations for the EMR, and is currently certified by the department as an EMR.
Emergency Response Plan means the plan constituting the set of procedures developed by the Owner for dealing with an Incident which may impact on the Network or Connecting Infrastructure, including all actions to be taken to minimise or alleviate any threat or danger to any person or property:
Contingent Emergency Response Part means any activity or activities to be carried out under Part 4 of the Project to respond to an Eligible Crisis or Emergency.
Respondents means [insert name(s) of Respondents] [insert if applicable: those Parties identified in Appendix __].
Institutional Responsibilities means an Investigator’s professional responsibilities on behalf of the University, which may include for example: activities such as research, research consultation, teaching, professional practice, University committee memberships, and service on panels such as Institutional Review Boards or data and safety monitoring boards.
PQQ Response means the response submitted by the Supplier to the pre-qualification questionnaire issued by the Authority on 06/03/2012;
Data Protection Impact Assessment means an assessment by the Controller of the impact of the envisaged processing on the protection of Personal Data.
Emergency Load Response Program means the program by which Curtailment Service Providers may be compensated by PJM for Demand Resources that will reduce load when dispatched by PJM during emergency conditions, and is described in Operating Agreement, Schedule 1, section 8 and the parallel provisions of Tariff, Attachment K-Appendix, section 8.
parental responsibility , in relation to a child, means all the duties, powers, responsibilities and authority which, by law, parents have in relation to children.
Coordinator means the person designated by Canada to act as the Dispute Resolution Coordinator.
Training Institution means the Grantee.
Official responsibility means administrative or operating authority, whether intermediate or final, to initiate, approve, disapprove or otherwise affect a procurement transaction, or any claim resulting therefrom.
State educational institution means an institution enumerated in Article 12, Section 11 of the constitution of New Mexico;
Explosives or munitions emergency response specialist means an individual trained in chemical or conventional munitions or explosives handling, transportation, render-safe procedures, or destruction techniques. Explosives or munitions emergency response specialists include Department of Defense (DOD) emergency explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), technical escort unit (TEU), and DOD-certified civilian or contractor personnel; and other Federal, State, or local government, or civilian personnel similarly trained in explosives or munitions emergency responses.
Respondent Party has the meaning set forth in Section 7.6(b).
First responder means an emergency medical care provider, a registered nurse staffing an authorized service program under Iowa Code section 147A.12, a physician assistant staffing an authorized service program under Iowa Code section 147A.13, a fire fighter, or a peace officer as defined in Iowa Code section 801.4 who is trained and authorized to administer an opioid antagonist.
Agency Representative A person assigned by a primary, assisting, or cooperating federal, state, local, or tribal government agency or private entity that has been delegated authority to make decisions affecting that agency’s or organization’s participation in incident management activities following appropriate consultation with the leadership of that agency. Area: The lands in a described geographic area that are managed and/or protected by the Parties within this Agreement.
National Flood Insurance Program means the program created by the U.S. Congress pursuant to the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 and the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, as revised by the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994, that mandates the purchase of flood insurance to cover real property improvements located in Special Flood Hazard Areas in participating communities and provides protection to property owners through a Federal insurance program.