Examples of Sustainable Transport Contribution in a sentence
The applicants have suggested that only 50% of the Sustainable Transport Contribution should be paid due to the sustainable location of the site and that £20,000 should be paid to fund the off site wildflower mitigation with no further contribution in respect of greenspace due to the level of provision on site.
No objection to the proposal subject to conditions and the provision of a Sustainable Transport Contribution.
Sustainable Transport Contribution to Rio+20 and its Implementation Saturday, 16 june 2012.
Give priority to routes already congested for other modes.• Bike Hire.• Diversify cycling – wider age, gender and ethnic spread to ‘normalise’ cycling.• Review junction design for cycling safety.• 80,000 additional cycle parking spaces• Five-fold increase in investment.
In order to be valid, slates must be submitted to the Company headquarters, also by means of remote communication, in accordance with the procedures published in the notice of call for the shareholders’ meeting to appoint the statutory auditors and in a manner that allows for verification of the identity of the party making the submission at least 25 days (or as otherwise required by prevailing legislation) prior to the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting.