life cycle means all consecutive and/or interlinked stages, including research and development to be carried out, production, trading and its conditions, transport, use and maintenance, throughout the existence of the product or the works or the provision of the service, from raw material acquisition or generation of resources to disposal, clearance and end of service or utilisation;
System Life means all phases of the system's development, production, or support.
Enhanced 9-1-1 service or "E-911" means a service consisting of telephone network features and
Shift Cycle means the period of time when the shift schedule repeats itself. In those instances where the schedule does not repeat itself, the term "Shift Cycle" shall be understood to mean a period of time not exceeding twelve (12) weeks.
Life-cycle cost means the expected total cost of ownership during the life of a product, including disposal costs.
Standard Service means Facilities which meet good economic electric industry practice including safety, reliability and operating criteria and standards consistent with the particular characteristics of service as determined by FortisAlberta acting reasonably;
Enhanced 911 Service (“E911”) means a telephone communication service which will automatically route a call dialed “9-1-1” to a designated public safety answering point (PSAP) attendant and will provide to the attendant the calling party’s telephone number and, when possible, the address from which the call is being placed and the Emergency Response agencies responsible for the location from which the call was dialed.
Service Date or "SD" means the date service is made available to the End User Customer. This also is referred to as the "Due Date."
motor cycle means any two-wheeled vehicle, with or without side-car, which is equipped with a propelling engine. Contracting Parties may also treat as motor cycles in their domestic legislation three-wheeled vehicles whose unladen mass does not exceed 400 kg. The term "motor cycle" does not include mopeds, although Contracting Parties may treat mopeds as motor cycles for the purpose of the Convention.
Broadband service means a retail service capable of transmitting data over an access line at a rate greater than 200 kilobits per second.
Black Start Service means the capability of generating units to start without an outside electrical supply or the demonstrated ability of a generating unit with a high operating factor (subject to Transmission Provider concurrence) to automatically remain operating at reduced levels when disconnected from the grid.
Generation Service means the sale of electricity, including ancillary services such as the provision of reserves, to a Customer by a Competitive Supplier.
CMU Service means the Central Moneymarkets Unit Service, operated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority;
Customized employment means an approach to supported employment which individualizes the employment relationship between employees and employers in ways that meet the needs of both. Customized employment is based on an individualized determination of the strengths, needs, and interests of the person with a disability and is also designed to meet the specific needs of the employer. Customized employment may include employment developed through job carving, self-employment or entrepreneurial initiatives, or other job development or restructuring strategies that result in job responsibilities being customized and individually negotiated to fit the needs of the individual with a disability. Customized employment assumes the provision of reasonable accommodations and supports necessary for the individual to perform the functions of a job that is individually negotiated and developed.
Yearly (1/Year) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the month of September, unless specifically identified otherwise in the effluent limitations and monitoring requirements table.
Service Switching Point (SSP) is a telephone central office switch equipped with a Signaling System 7 (SS7) interface.
regular service means service rendered by an employee in the Cadre on a regular basis other than the service on contract or daily wages or ad-hoc but includes ad-hoc promotion or appointment in a cadre post through due procedure followed by regularization to the extant approved by the competent authority.
Enhanced Service Provider (ESP) means the provider of enhanced services, as those services are defined in 47 CFR Section 64.702.
Semi-annual (2/Year) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done during the months of June and December, unless specifically identified otherwise.
Enhanced softening means the improved removal of disinfection byproduct precursors by precipitative softening.
Distribution Service means the delivery of electricity to Customers by the Distribution Company.
Enhanced Service Provider (ESP) is a provider of enhanced services as those services are defined in 47 CFR Section 64.702.
In-Service Date means the date on which the Customer specifies service is to be available or the date the service is actually available, whichever is later;
Scheduled Commissioning Date or “SCD” of the Project shall mean [Insert Date];
Potential electrical output capacity means, with regard to a unit, 33 per- cent of the maximum design heat input of the unit.
Service Period has the meaning given to it in Framework Schedule 4 (Template Order Form and Template Call Off Terms) as refined by a Contracting Body in a Call Off Agreement between that Contracting Body and the Supplier;