Examples of Target B in a sentence
Need for ProcurementSCE’s total MW procurement goal for the CHP Program is 1,402 MW, with378 MW allocated to Target B.
Need for ProcurementPG&E’s total MW procurement target for the CHP Program is 1,387 MW, with 1,025 MW allocated to Target B.
Target B is not currently being considered for follow up, but may be pursued at a later date depending upon further results in the area.
As the Acquisitions will result in the consolidation of the financial results of Target A and Target B into the consolidated financial statements of the Group, pursuant to Rule 14.28 of the Listing Rules, 100% of the total assets, profits and revenue of Target A and Target B shall be used as the relevant numerators in calculating the applicable percentage ratios in respect of the Acquisitions.
Infrastructure (Required)NeedsAnalysisBaseline from 2014Actual from Spring 2015TargetDate for Target to beGap to be addressed Achieved(Actual minus Target) B.
PS2 Performance Target B – 90%or more Street Lighting and Off Highway Lighting Installations including Greenspace Lighting Installations (excluding lights which are Deemed to Comply at the Commencement Date and Lighting Points which are not in light) shall provide at least 80% of designed light output during the Lighting Up Periods.
The Shaoxing Fund may exercise its conversion option during the term of the investment and the conversion price is subject to negotiation between the Shaoxing Fund and Target B with reference to the then fair value.
The Target B Term Facility will be subject to quarterly amortization of one-quarter percent (0.25%) of the original principal amount of the Target B Term Loan Facility (collectively, the “Term B Scheduled Amortization”, and together with the Term A Scheduled Amortization, the “Scheduled Amortization”).
Resource adequacy benefits are to be allocated according to the share of the net capacity costs paid by load-serving entities serving direct access and community choice aggregation customers as prescribed in Section of the QF/CHP Settlement Term Sheet.Need for ProcurementSDG&E’s total MW procurement goal for the CHP Program is 160 MW, with 106 MW allocated to Target B.
This difference will result in more depreciation and amortization expense for financial accounting purposes than for tax purposes, which will result in a smaller GloBE tax base and a higher GloBE ETR for Target B.