Examples of Technology firms in a sentence
Technology firms are more prone to making small sacrifices than non-technology firms, while insider-dominated firms are willing to make moderate sacrifices.
Technology firms and firms that provide earnings guidance are relatively more likely to avoid taking projects that would cause them to miss earnings targets.
The blockholders own the considerable percentage of shares issued by Consumer Goods and Technology firms (with 45.85% and 33.34% respectively).
Technology firms already provide a great deal of governance services.
Technology firms, rather than banking firms, have been leaders in providing mobile payments in the U.S., suggesting potential benefits from partnerships between banks and fintech firms.
The Subsea and Offshore Technology firms were not invited to a separate meeting as they were already meeting to discuss the Neptune Centre in mid-December and the findings of this meeting will be reported under separate cover.
Technology firms should have experience producing design documents and installing the required technology items.
Analysis of income from charitable activitiesRent and Supported Other Totalchargeshousing grantgrants and contracts £’000£’000£’000£’0002020 Collaboration ----Health --3636Housing & lifeskills 6,5728,20226515,039Prevention --915915Skills & employment --369369Total 6,5728,2021,58516,3592019 Collaboration ----Health --5050Housing & lifeskills 6,5027,17521713,894Prevention --1,0131,013Skills & Employment --285285Total 6,5027,1751,56515,242 c.
Hence trying to identify life science firms in the geographic area covered by D2N2 from the FAME database on the basis of their SIC, permits the identification of core Bio-pharma and Medical Technology firms but not ones providing services.
Technology firms, manufacturers and insurance companies were all perceived to have a role to play in communicating with the public, and partnerships across these sectors were generally welcomed.