telecommunication equipment definition

telecommunication equipment means switches, equipment, wires, cables, apparatus, poles, structures, ducts, man-holes and other tangible property, software and data, other than terminal equipment, comprising any telecommunication system or used in connection with any telecommunication service;
telecommunication equipment means an electronic device intended for the purpose of telecommunication;
telecommunication equipment means any equipment, appliance, instrument, device, material or apparatus, including customer equipment, that can be or is being used for telecommunication, and includes software integral to such telecommunication equipment;

More Definitions of telecommunication equipment

telecommunication equipment means equipment (including hardware and software) used in the provision of telecommunication;
telecommunication equipment means all telecommunications equipment, including but not limited to modems, communication lines and other special telecommunications devices required from time to time to support any ABIVI Device on which Transactions are being made, or any terminals processing services and software services. "Telecommunication Service" shall mean services and related equipment supplied by a publicly switched telephone company that are required to transmit data on Telecommunications Equipment to and from an ABIVI Device thereby enabling a Cardholder to execute a Transaction. "TNS Network" shall include such companies, businesses, institutions and persons as may, from time to time, be employed or contracted with or by or otherwise affiliated with TNS for the purpose of providing the services included in or associated with the System.
telecommunication equipment means any equipment, appliance,
telecommunication equipment means any equipment, appliance, instrument, device, radio station, radio equipment, material, apparatus, or user equipment, that may be or is being used for telecommunication, including software and intelligence integral to such telecommunication equipment; and excludes such equipment as may be notified by the Central Government;
telecommunication equipment means any machine, tool, router or other electronic equipment required to engage in any telecommunication activity.
telecommunication equipment means fiber optic cable, Switches, transmission equipment and other ancillary hardware necessary for the installation and operation of a switch room or central office and collocation with other telecommunications providers which will enable the Choice One Companies to offer CLEC telephony and DSL. Telecommunications Equipment shall also include software associated with the Network Facility and back office systems (including without limitation billing systems, operations systems and support, customer service and DSL services) and other related software and hardware products integral to developing a viable CLEC telephony and DSL business.
telecommunication equipment means any appliance, apparatus or accessory used or intended to be used for telecommunication.