Telemarketing means any plan, program, or campaign which is conducted to induce the purchase of goods or services by use of one or more telephones, and which involves a telephone call, whether or not covered by the Telemarketing Sales Rule.
Text messaging means reading from or entering data into any handheld or other electronic device, including for the purpose of short message service texting, e-mailing, instant messaging, obtaining navigational information, or engaging in any other form of electronic data retrieval or electronic data communication. The term does not include glancing at or listening to a navigational device that is secured in a commercially designed holder affixed to the vehicle, provided that the destination and route are programmed into the device either before driving or while stopped in a location off the roadway where it is safe and legal to park.
data message means information generated, sent, received or stored by electronic, optical or similar means including, but not limited to, electronic data interchange (EDI), electronic mail, telegram, telex or telecopy;
Agent’s Message means a message transmitted by DTC to, and received by, the Depositary and forming a part of the book-entry confirmation, which states that DTC has received an express acknowledgment from each participant in DTC tendering the Notes and that such participants have received the Letter of Transmittal and agree to be bound by the terms of the Letter of Transmittal and the Issuer may enforce such agreement against such participants.
Telemarketer means any person who, in connection with telemarketing, initiates or receives telephone calls to or from a customer or donor.
Centralized Message Distribution System or "CMDS" means the operation system that Local Exchange Carriers use to exchange outcollect and IABS access messages among each other and other parties connected to CMDS.
the text message voting system means such text messaging voting facility as may be provided by the returning officer for the purpose of enabling voters to cast their votes by text message;
Exchange Message Interface or "EMI" means the format used for exchange of Telecommunications message information among Telecommunications Carriers. It is referenced in the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) document that defines industry guidelines for the exchange of message records.
campaign communication means “a written or oral communication relating to a campaign for nomination or election to public office or office of a political party or to a campaign on a measure.”
UNICEF Supply Website means UNICEF's public access webpage available at, as may be updated from time to time.
Electronic nicotine delivery system or “(ENDS)” means any device that delivers a vaporized solution (including nicotine, THC, or any other substance) by means of cartridge or other chemical delivery systems. Such definition shall include, but may not be limited to, any electronic cigarette, vape pen, hookah pen, cigar, cigarillo, pipe, or personal vaporizer. ENDS are not FDA-approved nicotine replacement therapy devices.
Centralized Message Distribution System (CMDS) means the industry-wide data collection system, which handles the daily exchange of message details between CMDS participating telephone companies (also known as CMDS Direct Participants). AT&T-21STATE is a CMDS Direct Participant.
Message means Data structured in accordance with the Adopted Protocol and transmitted electronically between the parties including where the context admits any part of such Data.
Spam means unsolicited commercial communications, including unsolicited commercial messages as referred to in section 5.2.1.
Operating Margin Customer means a Control Area purchasing Operating Margin pursuant to an agreement between such other Control Area and the LLC.
Catalog means the available list of tangible personal property or services, in the most current listing, regardless of date, during the life of the contract, that takes the form of a catalog, price list, schedule, shelf price or other form that:
Common Channel Signaling (CCS) means an out-of-band, packet-switched, signaling network used to transport supervision signals, control signals, and data messages. It is a special network, fully separate from the transmission path of the public switched network. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the CCS protocol used by the Parties shall be SS7.
Common Channel Signaling (CCS) means an out-of-band, packet-switched, signaling network used to transport supervision signals, control signals, and data messages. It is a special network, fully separate from the transmission path of the public switched network. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the CCS protocol used by the Parties shall be SS7.
Telecommunications Carrier means any provider of Telecommunications Services, except that such term does not include aggregators of Telecommunications Services (as defined in Section 226 of the Act). A Telecommunications Carrier shall be treated as a Common Carrier under the Act only to the extent that it is engaged in providing Telecommunications Services, except that the Federal Communications Commission shall determine whether the provision of fixed and mobile satellite service shall be treated as common carriage.
Telepharmacy means the provision of pharmaceutical care services, including the storage and dispensing of prescription drugs, drug regimen review, and patient counseling, at a remote dispensing site using an automated pharmacy system.
IVR means Interactive Voice Response.
Electronic Programme Guide or “EPG” means a program guide maintained by the Distributors of Television Channels that lists Television Channels and programmes, and scheduling and programming information therein and includes any enhanced guide that allows subscribers to navigate and select such available channels and programmes;
Customer System means the Customer's computing environment (consisting of hardware, software and/or telecommunications networks or equipment) used by the Customer or the Supplier in connection with this Contract which is owned by or licensed to the Customer by a third party and which interfaces with the Supplier System or which is necessary for the Customer to receive the Services;
market surveillance means the activities carried out and measures taken by competent authorities to check and ensure that devices comply with the requirements set out in the relevant Union harmonisation legislation and do not endanger health, safety or any other aspect of public interest protection;
Electronic message means a communication transmitted electronically, including:
phonogram means the fixation of the sounds of a performance or of other sounds, or of a representation of sounds, other than in the form of a fixation incorporated in a cinematographic or other audiovisual work;