TIME ONLY Sample Clauses
TIME ONLY. If a nurse is sent home from work due to illness or injury, she shall be paid for the full tour.
TIME ONLY. The Employer agrees, during the term of the Collective Agreement, to contribute towards the premium coverage of participating eligible nurses in the active employ of the Employer under the insurance plans set out below subject to their respective terms and conditions including any enrolment requirements:
TIME ONLY. A part-time nurse may work extra tours after a period of at least twenty- four (24) hours off from the completion of night shift and the commencement of either day shift or an afternoon shift.
TIME ONLY. The Hospital recognizes the Association as the Bargaining Agent of all lay, Registered and Graduate Nurses employed by the Hospital, engaged in nursing care, regularly employed for not more than hours in two (2) weeks save and except head nurses and persons above the rank of head nurse.
TIME ONLY. A-3.01 The Company will provide a Long Term Disability Plan to full-time employees to provide a monthly income benefit equal to sixty-six and two-thirds (66 2/3%) percent of the employee's base earnings as at the date of disability, subject to a maximum monthly income benefit of two thousand ($2,000) dollars less income payable to the employee from any other source on account of the same disability. The benefit is payable to those employees regarded as totally disabled according to the long term disability insurance contract, and covers total disabilities that commence after the above effective date. The 66 2/3% and $2,000 will apply only to new claims after October 1, 2008. The monthly income benefit is payable after the first one hundred and eighty (180) days of disability and ceases on the earliest of death, attainment of age sixty-five (65), or when the employee is no longer totally disabled according to the insurance contract. The premium cost of the Plan will be paid by the Company.
TIME ONLY. Casual part time nurses may be offered any tours and may be scheduled up to two weeks in advance.
TIME ONLY. In reference to the Central Document, Article Note and the obsolete agreement Article The Hospital will submit to the Local Association, semi-annually, the number of tours worked by each casual part-time nurse since their last date of hire.
TIME ONLY. A part-time nurse may work extra tours after a period of at least thirty-two
TIME ONLY. For the purpose of transfer to the short-term portion of the disability program, following the successful posting to a full-time position under this Collective Agreement, employees with four hundred and fifteen (415) hours of service with the Employer as of the effective date of the transfer shall be deemed to have three (3) months of service under Article For the purpose of transfer to the long-term portion of the disability program, following the successful posting to a full-time position under this Collective Agreement, employees with one thousand, six hundred, fifty (1650) hours of service with the Employer as of the effective date of the transfer shall be deemed to have one year of service under Article Employees may claim for sick pay if Workplace Safety and Insurance eligibility is pending. The employee will reimburse the Employer the full amount of sick pay received upon receipt of payment. Full-Time and Part-Time An employee who has been ill up to and including three (3) working days contact the Occupational Health Unit. An employee who continues to be ill on the fourth (4th) and fifth (5th) day of an illness will report to the Occupational Health Unit upon return to work. If an employee is ill for more than five (5) days they will require a Physicians certificate of illness to for sick pay upon the request of the Employer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Employer may require the employee to provide proof of disability, satisfactory to the Employer, at any time in order to qualify for benefits under not to be administered unreasonably. It is the responsibility of the employee to keep the Employer informed of their status and regular contact must be maintained.
TIME ONLY. A part-time employee shall receive payment in lieu of health and welfare benefits as outlined in this Article amounting to fourteen percent (14%) of their straight time hourly rate effective April This payment will not be included in any calculation of overtime and vacation. Full-Time and Part-Time The Employer agrees to pay one hundred percent of the premium cost for the Employer Health Tax or equivalent.