Examples of Tencent Subscription Agreement in a sentence
In addition, LNG can be a component of a strong diversified fuel portfolio.The standard transportation route of LNG is ensured via pipelines from the natural gas production plants to a specially designed LNG terminal in a port.
Any such claim pursued by the Shareholder Representative pursuant to this Section 8.11 shall follow the provisions set forth in Section 9.10 (Dispute Resolution) of the Tencent Subscription Agreement, mutantis mutandis.
The Directors (including the independent non-executive Directors) also consider the terms of the Tencent Subscription Agreement to be fair and reasonable in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole and that the Tencent Subscription Agreement is entered into upon normal commercial terms following arm’s length negotiations between the Company and Tencent.
The AGM will be convened for the Shareholders to consider, and if thought fit, approve the proposed re-election of Directors, the proposed Issuance Mandate (including the extended Issuance Mandate), the proposed Repurchase Mandate, the proposed re-appointment of auditor, the Tencent Subscription Agreement, the respective transaction contemplated thereunder and the requisite specific mandate and the amendment of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company.
We have been appointed to form the Independent Board Committee to advise the Independent Shareholders in respect of the Tencent Subscription Agreement and the connected transaction contemplated thereunder, details of which are set out in the “Letter from the Board” contained in the Circular.
CONNECTED TRANSACTION INVOLVING THE TENCENT SUBSCRIPTION The Board is pleased to announce that on April 19, 2021 (after trading hours), the Company and Tencent entered into the Tencent Subscription Agreement, pursuant to which Tencent has agreed to subscribe for and the Company has agreed to allot and issue Tencent Subscription Shares at the Tencent Subscription Price of HK$273.80 for each Tencent Subscription Share, as arranged by the Placing Joint Bookrunners.
Further details of the Tencent Subscription Agreement are set out in the section headed “6.
MEWA E begins distributing marketing materials on August 31, 2012.(ii) Conclusion.
The completion of the Tencent Subscription is subject to the satisfaction of the conditions precedent set out in the Tencent Subscription Agreement.
Save as disclosed above, to the best of the knowledge, information and belief of the Directors, no other Shareholder has a material interest in the connected transaction contemplated under the Subscription Agreement and will be required to abstain from voting on the resolution(s) to approve the Tencent Subscription Agreement, the connected transaction contemplated thereunder and the requisite specific mandate at the AGM.