Examples of Tender Evaluation Panel in a sentence
No member of the Tender Evaluation Panel declared any conflict of interest in relation to this tender evaluation.
ConclusionThe tender evaluation process has been completed and it is the recommendation of the Tender Evaluation Panel that the Panel of Suppliers as recommended is awarded the contract.
The purpose of this report is to provide the background of the tender and evaluation process for CON2021 1413 Cell 4 Construction Bairnsdale Landfill and seek approval by Council to accept the recommendations made by the Tender Evaluation Panel.
Section 19 of the Act establishes a Tender Evaluation Panel by each procurement entity to evaluate tenders and assist the tender committee in its work.
The Chairman of the Tender Evaluation Panel shall also have the right to call on technical assistance / expertise from other departments as he considers necessary.
ConclusionThe tender evaluation process has been completed and it is the recommendation of the Tender Evaluation Panel that Landlinks Environmental Services is awarded the contract.
The Employer, with the assistance of the Tender Evaluation Panel, shall then consider the Technical Offers of the Tenderers who have been found qualified.
The Council will maintain a Tender Evaluation Panel chaired by Corporate Director (Corporate Services) or their designated officer and will comprise officers determined by them along with a senior officer from the department letting the contract.
Corporate Directors / Heads of Department are required to notify the chairman of the Tender Evaluation Panel of all tenders, estimated at over £50,000 (excluding VAT), being sought.
Separate to the Tender Evaluation Panel, an officer working group has analysed the tenderers price schedule and accepts that the tender bid offers value for money on the majority of the bid.