Terminal and Throughput Agreement definition

Terminal and Throughput Agreement means that certain Terminal and Throughput Agreement, dated as of the Closing Date, between CNX Marine and CNX Thermal Holdings, as the same may be amended, revised, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time.
Terminal and Throughput Agreement has the meaning set forth in the Operating Agreement.

Examples of Terminal and Throughput Agreement in a sentence

  • If the actual dumping rate achieved is less than 3000 TPH, the Shipper shall be responsible for additional cost as set forth in the Terminal and Throughput Agreement (the “Terminal Agreement”).

Related to Terminal and Throughput Agreement

  • Transportation Service Agreement means the contract between KUB and the Customer whereby KUB agrees to provide transportation gas service to the Customer.

  • Network Operating Agreement means an executed agreement that contains the terms and conditions under which the Network Customer shall operate its facilities and the technical and operational matters associated with the implementation of Network Integration Transmission Service under Tariff, Part III. Network Operating Committee:

  • PJM Operating Agreement means the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement of PJM or the successor, superseding or amended versions of the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement that may take effect from time to time.

  • Interconnection Service Agreement means an agreement among the Transmission Provider, an Interconnection Customer and an Interconnected Transmission Owner regarding interconnection under Tariff, Part IV and Tariff, Part VI.

  • Capacity Storage Resource means any hydroelectric power plant, flywheel, battery storage, or other such facility solely used for short term storage and injection of energy at a later time to participate in the PJM energy and/or Ancillary Services markets and which participates in the Reliability Pricing Model.

  • Energy Storage Resource means a resource capable of receiving electric energy from the grid and storing it for later injection to the grid that participates in the PJM Energy, Capacity and/or Ancillary Services markets as a Market Participant. Facilities Study:

  • Water Agreement means an agreement entered into between the Water Corporation (established pursuant to section 4 of the Water Corporation Act 1995) and BHP Iron Ore Pty. Ltd. ACN 008 700 981 as agent for BHP Direct Reduced Iron Pty. Ltd. and the Mount Xxxxxx and Mount Goldsworthy Mining Associates Joint Venturers in a form approved by the Minister in relation to the supply of water for, inter alia, the Joint Venturers’ water requirements for the purposes of this Agreement at Port Hedland;

  • Terminal means a device authorized by a Party Lottery to function in an on-line, interactive mode with the lottery's computer gaming system for the purpose of issuing lottery tickets and entering, receiving, and processing lottery transactions, including purchases, validating tickets, and transmitting reports.

  • Transportation Agreement means an agreement pursuant to the Tariff under which Transporter provides Transportation or other contract services to a Shipper.

  • Storage Services means any Services which offer you storage capacity on the network for storage of content which you access from us.

  • Interconnection Agreement means the interconnection agreement entered into by Seller pursuant to which the Facility will be interconnected with the Transmission System, and pursuant to which Seller’s Interconnection Facilities and any other Interconnection Facilities will be constructed, operated and maintained during the Contract Term.

  • Pipeline means any pipe, pipes, or pipelines used for the intrastate transportation or transmission of any solid, liquid, or gaseous substance, except water.

  • Customer Service Agreement shall have the meaning as defined in the Master Agreement. “ Customer User” means an employee of Customer, a Customer Affiliate or Business Partner.

  • Terminals means the Terminals set forth on Schedule A attached hereto.

  • Construction Service Agreement means either an Interconnection Construction Service Agreement or an Upgrade Construction Service Agreement.

  • O&M Agreement means the agreement(s), if any, between the Company and the O&M Contractor for the operation and maintenance of the Facility to be entered into between the Company and the O&M Contractor, as amended or superseded from time to time;

  • Generation Interconnection Agreement means the generation interconnection agreement to be entered into separately between Seller and PGE, providing for the construction, operation, and maintenance of interconnection facilities required to accommodate deliveries of Seller's Net Output.

  • Basic gas supply service means gas supply service that is

  • Service Agreement means the initial agreement and any amendments or supplements thereto entered into by the Transmission Customer and the Transmission Provider for service under the Tariff. Site:

  • Rechargeable Electrical Energy Storage System (REESS) means the rechargeable energy storage system that provides electric energy for electrical propulsion.

  • Secondment Agreement is defined in Section 2.2.

  • Interconnection Construction Service Agreement means the agreement entered into by an Interconnection Customer, Interconnected Transmission Owner and the Transmission Provider pursuant to Tariff, Part VI, Subpart B and in the form set forth in Tariff, Attachment P, relating to construction of Attachment Facilities, Network Upgrades, and/or Local Upgrades and coordination of the construction and interconnection of an associated Customer Facility. A separate Interconnection Construction Service Agreement will be executed with each Transmission Owner that is responsible for construction of any Attachment Facilities, Network Upgrades, or Local Upgrades associated with interconnection of a Customer Facility. Interconnection Customer:

  • Throughput means the measure of production, or factor related to production, used to determine the relationship between the amount of energy used by the target unit and the levels of activity of the target unit, as set out in Schedule 6 to an underlying agreement; “the Tribunal” means the First-tier Tribunal established under the Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx xxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxx 00000;

  • Energy Settlement Area means the bus or distribution of busses that represents the physical location of Network Load and by which the obligations of the Network Customer to PJM are settled. Energy Storage Resource:

  • Retail charge agreement means that term as defined in section 2 of the retail installment sales act, MCL 445.852.

  • Supply Pipe means any part of a service pipe which a water undertaker could not be, or have been required to lay under section 46 of the Water Industry Act 1991; and